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Mental-Verse - Prologue

Shuffling up the stairs towards my apartment I can't help but rub at my eye, the numbness in the left side of my slowly wearing off as d...

Wednesday 18 September 2024

The Swap Cafe - Part Four

Patting down my pockets I quickly find a little blue rubber band, the clingy strap containing some kind of RFID chip in a rounded bulbous mound. Reaching up to the black box with it I hear a little digital beep, a loud click soon following as the gate swings back a little under it's own weight. With a shove I push it open, shuffling inside as I spot a large hand written sign on the side of the block of units.


Pouting a little at the need for the sign I gently push the gate behind me, listening out as I hear it bounce back into place before rattling against its lock. Shuffling along, fiddling with the blue band between my delicate fingers, I approach the first apartment. The corner unit features a little window beside the door, the view likely having been much better before the car park and eventual fence.

I wrack my brain as I try to remember if I had seen any other windows, the exhausted malaise gripping me making it hard to remember how I even got here.

"I need a coffee..." I mutter softly, reaching out to a familiar black box beside the door as it chimes just as the gate had. I grab the door handle and quickly twist it, a musty and unclean scent seeping out of the gap as I shuffle inside.

The Swap Cafe - Part Three

"Right" the dark haired woman snaps, stepping up beside the redhead with a glare. "You two are done and dusted right? Good..." she huffs, not even letting us give our response. "Thirty days, You..." she declares, pointing to Bronwyn in my body. "You will be back here at this time in thirty days. And You..." she continues, pointing back at me. "You can be back in thirty days to reclaim your body,  otherwise enjoy your new life Bronwyn" she states in a matter of fact tone.

We all watch as the dark haired woman storms off to the door, opening it up as the world beyond shows a rather bright street filled with trees along the median strip.

"You!" She snaps, pointing at me. "This is your stop, off ya go."

My heart leaps into my throat, my eyes darting around behind the clarifying glass lens as I look over the others standing around expectantly. My head buzzes as I look up at them all, even the other women in the cafe being at least an inch taller than my new self as my mind strains to accept my new height.

"Wa... wait..." I squeak, eliciting a giggle from the redhead as she seems to relish my panic and confusion. "I don't know where I... where I even live, or how to put on makeup, or how to wear..." I blabber, clamming up as the dark haired woman storms over with a scowl.

"Ya body will remember that stuff okay" she huffs, reaching out to grab my wrist before yanking my forward and placing a hand against the small of my back. My hips rock from side to side, my chest bouncing violently as I'm raced towards the door.

"Now hurry up and get!" the dark haired woman yaps, finishing our little march with a hard shove. "We've got to set up for the..."

Monday 16 September 2024

The Swap Cafe - Part Two

A little chime rings out as a set of footsteps stagger inside, heavy panting breathes following as the redhead practically skips up towards the front door.

"Sorry I'm late!" cries a shaking voice, her words fighting to come out between deep breathes. "I have my..."

"Thank you for showing up sweetie" the redhead coos, her words dripping with a painfully sweet tinge. "He's still here, I'll... just... take..." she chirps giddily, a giggle coming from her as I hear a two sets of footsteps begin to grow near.

"I'll see if Candace is ready with the tea, you two just wait... right... here..." the redhead chirps, pulling out a chair as I spin around to see a rather pale and soft young woman with ruffled brightly colored hair trudge tiredly towards the seat.

Sunday 15 September 2024

The Swap Cafe - Part One

Tapping my fingers against the aging antique hardwood table I glance around the cramped and busy pop-up cafe, the scant few other tables lining the new and isolated shopfront being left empty aside from the delicate sterling silver tower resting upon each on. Delicate floral patterned china tea cups sit nestled within the filigree covered metal frame, the hand crafted tea sets appearing to be the most expensive item in the entire cafe.

The two staff plod around the cafe floor, alternating between investigating the men and women outside the door as they ask to see their invitation for the pop up only to turn practically all away. I watch as the lithe young tan redhead and the shorter curvy pale dark haired women calmly walk around the cafe, adjusting the tea sets as if trying to center them as perfectly as possible and checking in the back as I occasionally glimpse the sight of blonde strands popping into view through a window in the back.

"Good morning" coos a sultry voice that would leave most legs quivering like jelly, my gaze turning to the perky and slender redhead as she holds out a little plate with a slice of lemon cheese cake. The filling appears dotted with various herbs and spices, the flashes of greenery and ground darker spots giving the desert a more unique character.

"Oh... uh..." I mutter, my mind going blank as I look into the deep emerald pools staring down at me. "I didn't... didn't order..."

"It's a gift silly" she coos, holding a hand up to her mouth as she giggles into her palm. "A thank you from The Coven and an apology that you've needed to wait this long, most of our invitees are rather prompt considering our... services" she states, winking at me as she places the razor thin slice of cake in front of me.

"Th... thanks..." I muse, poking at the cake with a tiny fork as I try to inspect the green shapes inside.

"They'll help" the dark haired woman calls out, her wide hips swaying from side to side along with her apron as she approaches the front door to shoo away the next set of onlookers. "Ease you up inside I mean" she barks back, her rough and stern voice quickly turning from me to shout at the new arrivals to go away.

I take a bite of the cake as I watch the dark haired woman practically rip open the door, my eyes narrowing as I find myself looking out onto a rain slicked street despite the downright delightfully sunny weather I had wanted in with. As the creamy citrus bomb fills my mouth I feel my head swim and my stomach tingle, a fluttering in my chest following as I feel myself become almost dazed by the heady flavor.

"Don't worry" the dark haired woman calls out, her husky voice filling the room. "She'll be here soon, we know how to pick 'em"

"He picked this one" the redhead coos back from the kitchen, giggling once again.

"Yeah..." the dark haired woman snaps back, folding her arms under her generous chest. "But we found her first, so who really did the pickin' there?"

Thursday 12 September 2024

Suitable Subject - Part One

Shuffling down the street in the wee hours of the morning I do my best to keep my eyes open. Empty disposable coffee cup in hand I try to focus on the pot of dark roasted coffee I had left on the warmer at home, the reward I had made for myself before heading out before the sun had even rose.

Hopefully it had been worth it but I wouldn't know for months, the job agency working in mysterious and glacial ways.

Monday 9 September 2024

One Size Fits All - Part One

The morning sun bakes the pavement beneath my feet as I pace through the city, the scent of rain filling the air as last nights downpour evaporates in the newfound heat. It's a perfect day, blue skies as far as the eye can see, and with the weather so wonderful I had simply decided to walk. Lacking any job or responsibilities had their upsides on occasion, and simply being able to go for a walk on a lovely day with no destination in mind was one of them.

It wasn't like I had nothing to do however, my mind turning to the washing sitting ready in my hamper and the growing need to replace some of my old shirts as I turned down into one of the many small shopping strips along the outskirts of the city proper.

The boutiques lining the street were most certainly out of my personal price range, the dwindling savings in my bank account serving better uses than purchasing some designer jeans or tailored button-up top.

However, as I wander past another series of shopfronts I lurch to a stop. Back pedaling slightly I glance back at one store nestled in-between two others in a matter than seemed almost like a subdivision or mistake in the aging buildings construction. The narrow shop sits filled with all manner of flannel tops and seemingly well-made shirts and pants, a series of signs in the window quickly stealing my attention.





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