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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Sunday 29 September 2024

A Swap With A View - Part Two

Claire bounds to her feet with a squeal of excitement, the brunette downing the rest of her glass before she races back into the kitchen and then to the other side of the house. "He agreed!" the older woman cackles, a thudding set of footsteps soon bound upstairs as she goes to retrieve something.

I sit in silence, shivering with anxiety as I drink the wine in an effort to steel myself. Before long I hear the footsteps begin to grow louder again, the sound of Claire's voice soon echoing out from over the mezzanine.

"So I was thinking..." she calls out, excitement dripping from each word. "You could...Swap bodies and lives with Mei, my daughter's bestie. I swear, that girl is a terrible influence, has been ever since they met in college" Claire huffs, her excitement waning as she grumbles at the thought of this frustrating thorn in her family's side. 


Her footsteps grow muffled as a distant door opens with a whining squeak. I down the last of my wine before pouring myself another glass, finishing the bottle as a whole as I leave a small pool of hazy and gunk polluted wine sitting at the bottom of the bottle.

I sip carefully as I try to make the topped up glass more manageable, the third of the massive glasses already leaving me feeling a little bit tipsy as the liquor plays havoc on my empty stomach. Claire's footsteps quickly begin to thump through the echoing home, the wooden stairs creaking sharply under her bouncing footfalls.

As she races into the living room she gives me a smirk, her pale green eyes darting to the empty bottle before shifting over to me. Clutched in a gloved hand she holds the ancient looking bead necklace, the medallion at the dangling at the end now adorned with a set of lacy sheer black panties.

I swallow hard as I stare at the damp set of underwear, my slightly addled mind racing as I try to reckon with just how the older woman got her hands on them.

"Oh don't look at me like that" Claire huffs, pouting her lips as she approaches me on the sofa. She holds the medallion out ahead of her like it's toxic, the older woman flinching slightly whenever the heavy necklace swings even slightly back towards her. "Maggie told her she could stay here after the two where out god knows where. She just left these on the floor of the guest room, and thankfully she's still out like a light."

As Claire stands over me, dangling the medallion just inches from my face, I'm hit with the pungent scent of sweat clinging to the damp panties. With her free hand she nudges the wine glass up to my lips, tilting it back as I quickly begin to guzzle it down.

"There... we... go..." she chirps, watching as I greedily finish up the last of the wine. "That should be more than enough" she practically purrs as she lowers the medallion around my head, the whole thing dropping down with a thud as Claire quickly lets go and jumps back.


I feel a sickening ripple spread through my body, my stomach twisting itself into knots as I double over. My hands fly to my mouth as I try to stop myself from throwing up, the copious amount of wine sloshing around in my stomach feeling as though it was growing in volume inside of me. My sides pinch and my ribs begin to creak, the curved bones snapping loudly as I feel the air sudden get forced out of my lungs.

My insides continue to churn and writhe as I look at up Claire, the tan older woman grinning from ear to ear as she looms over me. My breath creeps out in panicked gasps, my rib cage resisting and straining against every inhale.

Claire inches forward tentatively, her hands reaching down to my belt as she fiddles with it. After a brief struggle I feel the leather loosen, my hips being set free as I listen to a series of echoing cracks emanate from my pelvis. My legs go numb as I feel the bones in my lower back shift and snap, the nerves twisting and deadening as my lower body goes limp.

The older woman tugs and pulls at my pant legs, staggering back a little as she drags the denim off of me. As she stands back to her fall height, stretching slightly as she pops her hips from side to side and arches to back, I can't help but notice her nipples pressing at her loose shirt as they stand painfully erect and at attention.

A hacking cough rips through me as I tumble from the sofa, my low rumbling voice crackling as it pitches up with each quaking breath. Laying on my side I'm forced to stare down at myself, my eyes going wide as I look down at my ten inch cock straining against my black boxers. The massive throbbing rod quivers for a moment before suddenly unleashing a thick rope of cum to coat the cotton underwear. With each thick pungent load I'm forced to watch my cock shrink down, inch after inch vanishing as my hips widen to accommodate the new organs that were to form.

Thankfully, my view of my lower half is soon obscured by my chest as I'm forced to stare down at a set of large fatty mounds bubble u from beneath my skin. My shirt begins to shift as I feel my skin strain and grow taut over the mounting bulbous fat, the tightness suddenly ceasing with a snap as I feel the heavy breasts begin to sag and pool against the floor.

From beneath my shirt I stare as my skin begins to shimmer and shift, my pale Caucasian flesh taking on a pale yet slightly more olive tone. The shift in tint slowly spreads as far as I can see, my view of the change suddenly shifting a I feel my skull begin to creak and crack. My vision blurs, my eyes watering as I feel them begin to burn and ache as I try to focus. A cascade of silky black hair begins to inch into view, the sweaty blanket of hair soon covering my face as I feel the bones and tissues around my head break and reform into their new shapes.

Panting on the floor, my voice soft and breathy, I'm left quivering and shaking. My whole body aches, the feeling thankfully returning to my lower half as the changes begin to slow and finalize. Whimpering on the plush rug I feel my boxers cling to my lower body, the cooling cum coating my soft hairless thighs and my flat crotch.

Weakly reaching up I move to take off the medallion, a loud tut quickly following as I feel Claire place her foot on my wrists.

"Not yet..." she states, my voice quivering as she squirms with delight. "You're still not quite ready" she purrs, squeezing her sweatpant covered thighs together.

Laying on the floor I try to take stock of myself, my legs quivering and my muscles twitching as I try to move my weakened and punished muscles. The black hair in my face still keeps me from seeing much at all, the slim gaps in between the long strands only revealing a blurred image of the spacious room.

"Try speaking a little..." Claire urges, my voice breathless as she stares down at my quivering form.

"I... Like this..." I sighs weakly, my light and sweet voice leaving me flinching a little.

Claire hums to herself a little, hemming and hawing as she watches me on the floor. "Still nothing... Maybe that was just in the stories..." she mutters, a tinge of disappointment in her voice.

"What are..." I begin to murmur, my eyes going wide as I feel my head begin to ache. I groan in discomfort as I writhe on the floor, the pressure inside my head building to painful levels as I try to reach up again.

"Not... Yet..." Claire grumbles, pressing her foot down on my wrists harder as she tries to fight to keep me in place.

"It hur..." I begin to bleat, my words falling short as they leave me mouth dripping with a thick Chinese accent. I lay in shock at the sound of my own voice, only shifting a little as Claire reaches down to quickly snatch the medallion off of me.

"There we go..." the older woman coos, twisting the medallion upside down as she shakes the panties off. "Now, you wait right there" she giggles, wrapping my old jeans loosely around the beaded necklace. "I just need to go tie up a loose end."


As I lay on the floor I find myself growing sicker and drunker by the second, the wine and alcohol inside of my quickly permeating every inch of my shrunken form. I'm soon left drooling into the carpet beneath me, my head swimming as I fight back the urge to violently vomit.

By the time Claire returns I'm barely functional, the older woman heaving to heave me up to my feet with a series of pained and struggling grunts. As I stand leaning up against the older woman I feel my face press into her shoulder and chest, my dribble smearing across her shirt as the sudden shift in size barely even registers with me.

"At least you're lighter..." Claire giggles with a sigh, her hands reaching down to peel my cum soaked boxers off with a delighted gasp. I soon feel myself begin guided into a new set of underwear, the sweaty panties soon coming to rest against my flat mound and a set of thick yet tight ass cheeks. "... Not looking forward to trying this with..." she continues, pulling my shirt up and over my head before tossing it over to the sofa.

Staring down at myself I'm met with the sight of a drooping and heavy set of pale breasts, the heaving mounds adorned with thick brown nipples surrounded by equally dark small areola. I let out a little squeak as I'm guided to step into a pile of pale pastel pink stretchy elastic fabric on the floor, the tan woman beside me quickly yanking the sweat and vodka scented clingy dress up and over me before sliding my arms beneath the tiny little straps.

"There..." Claire pants, fidgeting as she looks me over. "I can't believe that it... that you..."

"I'm going to throw up..." I gurgle, my drunken slurring and the thick accent making it hard to really tell what I was saying.

"Not here you're not" Claire huffs, reaching into her pocket as she pulls out her phone. "Your taxi is almost here, and we need to lay down the premise first."

"Pre... premise?" I bleat, gagging a little as I swallow down a mouthful of sick.

"Well of course" Claire coos, biting at her lip with delight. "I need a bit of narrative in all this, though getting rid of that little..." she huffs, taking a deep breath to re-focus on the more urgent issue at hand.

"I kind of had something in mind, if that's alright?" Claire mutters, heaving me up onto unsteady feet and wobbling legs. "Could you..."


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