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Mental-Verse - Prologue

Shuffling up the stairs towards my apartment I can't help but rub at my eye, the numbness in the left side of my slowly wearing off as d...

Wednesday 18 September 2024

The Swap Cafe - Part Four

Patting down my pockets I quickly find a little blue rubber band, the clingy strap containing some kind of RFID chip in a rounded bulbous mound. Reaching up to the black box with it I hear a little digital beep, a loud click soon following as the gate swings back a little under it's own weight. With a shove I push it open, shuffling inside as I spot a large hand written sign on the side of the block of units.


Pouting a little at the need for the sign I gently push the gate behind me, listening out as I hear it bounce back into place before rattling against its lock. Shuffling along, fiddling with the blue band between my delicate fingers, I approach the first apartment. The corner unit features a little window beside the door, the view likely having been much better before the car park and eventual fence.

I wrack my brain as I try to remember if I had seen any other windows, the exhausted malaise gripping me making it hard to remember how I even got here.

"I need a coffee..." I mutter softly, reaching out to a familiar black box beside the door as it chimes just as the gate had. I grab the door handle and quickly twist it, a musty and unclean scent seeping out of the gap as I shuffle inside.


The door shudders open, a stark white wall and door sitting immediately to the left along with a an open door leading to a blue tiled and painting bathroom. A sodden towel sits on the bathroom floor, wet and simply discarded with a variety of bleach and dye stains covering it. Leaning in I'm hit with the scent of sweat and sex, my nostrils flaring as I wince at the smell.

In the tiny cramped bathroom the builders somehow managed to squeeze in a toilet, sink and shower without much room at all to move about. The pale wooden floor boards appear stained and damaged around where they meet the bathroom, a sign that whoever had lived here over the years simply dried off where they had more space.

Looking deeper inside the narrow home I struggle to see past the two open doors, the odd placement making it nigh impossible to see inside let alone walk inside. Reaching out I flick the bathroom door closed with a thud, the shape of the apartment coming into view though with no further explanation as to the odd shape.

Past the bathroom, nestled in the corner formed between where the bathroom ends on the left and where the apparent bedroom begins in the back right hand corner, sits a large TV seated on the floor with a laptop sitting beside it in a tangle of cables. A cheap mass produced gray sofa can just be made out as it rests against the wall neighboring the next apartment, the makeshift living room looking painfully cramped and claustrophobic. A few boxes sit piled on half the couch, each still tapped up and untouched since the move.

"What the..." I whisper softly, stepping into the apartment as I sniff at myself. The lack of ventilation around the apartment was one thing, but for a place to smell this funky it needed something more then just a day without a shower.

Stepping into the foyer of the apartment I turn to the right, my view immediately falling on a short and narrow galley kitchen. A little induction stove sits built into the cheap countertop, the shelves below it seeming decades old in comparison to the relatively new appliance. A mini fridge breaks up the cabinets, the old wooden frame now acting as I cage for the humming power hungry device. Beneath the window beside the door sits a tiny little black table, a set of two cheap cream colored plastic chairs resting beneath it.

The far end of the kitchen bench sits next to the only other room in the apartment, the door wide open in part due to the piles of clothes on the floor preventing it from even closing. Shirts, skirts, dresses, lingerie, and jeans pools across the incredibly narrow walking space, the cheap dark blue carpet being largely hidden beneath the sea of discarded laundry. A single bed takes up most of the space in the room, leaving only enough space to shuffle around the metal frame as it sits pressed in the back right hand corner. A series of shelves and cabinets sit above the ground, bolted to the pale sea foam green walls and giving some semblance of storage in the cramped little bedroom. Resting on the bed, hidden partially in the black sheets, I spot a bulbous silicone mound extending from a shiny purple rigid plastic handle as it sits on the sweat covered mattress.

Pushing the door closed behind me I race to the one window in the apartment, quickly opening it just the little gap it allows in order to try and air out the apartment. I watch as the heavy moss green curtains begin to flutter and shift, the breeze outside quickly catching the fabric as I let out a sigh of relief.

"God... damn..." I huff, reaching down as I begin to try to get the button of my jeans undone. My fingernails scratch and catch on the denim, a sharp gasp coming from my as I suck in my stomach in order to try and give myself a little more room to work with. With a satisfied sigh I suddenly feel the pressure around my midsection ease up, my flabby waist and hips pressing outward as they stretch at the elastic band of my panties and not the harsh unyielding denim of my jeans.

"Looks like I have a bit of a..." I mutter softly, looking down to check my stomach only to see the large pale rack and my proudly displayed cleavage. Subtle silvery stretch marks and more prominent blue veins rest in the soft squishy flesh, my arms quickly moving as I shed the large green flannel top and move to pull the tank top over my head.

The baggy clothes quickly and easily come off, my hands darting down as I practically peel off the overly tight jeans before discarding them on the floor. Adjusting my glasses on my nose I whip around, staring at the reflection of the young pale and slightly chubby young woman in the mirror above the bathroom sink with a wide eyes and shocked expression.

Staring at my stomach I wince a little, the rounded flabby midsection shifting a little as I move as it flows around to my new waist. A set of black panties pinch in above my hips, the waist band having slid down beneath my stomach as I spot the signs of some subtle stretch marks beneath my widened belly button. My thighs and ass aren't spared the same treatment, the thick and flabby limbs and cheeks shifting well after I stop moving as their own silvery streaks and wrinkle catch the limited light in the tiny room.

"...Belly..." I chuckle nervously, patting and rubbing at my warm and squish mid-section as I finish my sentence. "Not... terrible by any means" I muse, turning to the side as I assess the subtle bulge of my stomach as I stand and the large rear that otherwise seems to want to consume my panties. Pinching at the sweaty fabric I quickly pull it back to cover the exposed pale cheeks, my hands pulling up the waistband as I place it to more comfortably rest over the bottom of my belly.

Reaching up behind my I unhook my bra straps, my hands moving on their own as I find myself expertly sliding my arms out before the bra falls to the floor. I watch as the heavy jiggling sea of flesh that had sat in the bra quickly droop down, the bulbous weight quickly making the reason for the stretch marks closer to the top more apparent. They sag towards the sides of my chest, a large set of pale pink areolas and thick stubby nipples pointing slightly out to the side as the thick tear drops droop down towards the bottom of my rib cage.

"Huh..." I muse, my thick eye brows shifting and my lips twist in confusion. "I thought I'd..." I continue, muttering to myself as I reach up to cradle my soft and extremely squishy bust in my hands. My heart flutters as I brush my fingers over the sensitive flesh, a sharp breath following as I gently rub at my right nipple.

However, the lewd and lustful state I had felt glancing at them even in the cafe seemed gone. Sure, they were exciting and playing with them felt good, but the external draw and attraction seemed ripped from me as I stare at my reflection in confusion.

"Is this because they're... mine" I mutter, smirking a little as I glance down at my rack with a sense of giddy pride and excitement. "...Or..." I continue, my stomach sinking a little as I realize I didn't even know who Bronwyn had been attracted too before swapping.

Swallowing hard I turn around towards the bedroom, my hands still clutching at my voluminous chest in order to provide the sagging flesh some means of support. "Never mind" I huff nervously, trying to turn my mind from the thought of my new sexuality as I traipse towards the bedroom.

Before I can even get halfway there I hear the phone in my jeans buzz, an alert firing off as it rumbles against the hardwood floor. Holding my chest with my left arm I bend down, my eyes narrowing in frustration as I feel my panties slide in between the cheeks of my massive pale rear. Grabbing the phone I quickly unlock it with my face, my eyes turning to the alert as I read..."

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