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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Sunday 6 October 2024

Suitable Subject - Part Two

My eyes flutter open as I find myself on the sofa, my half finished coffee thankfully resting in my lap. The TV blares out with the same Suitable commercial a thousand times before, a low groan escaping my lips as I lazily slap about for the remote.

"Too..." I huff, my hand soon finding the remote as I skip the add. "Expensive..." I groan, rolling my head back as I feel just how cold the coffee mug is with my free hand.

Slowly heaving myself up I begin to shuffle towards the kitchen, my footsteps staggering to a halt as I hear a loud series of knocks from my front door. Looking over my shoulder I wait for a moment, my brain still processing what I had heard before another more panicked set of knocks fill my cozy living space.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly plod towards the door, my gait picking up in speed as the knocks grow practically frantic. Just as the knocks turn to banging I pull the door open as I find myself looking at a bundle of rubbery skin and Kelly, the slender and energetic brunette from down the hall. The young woman's fist swings forward, colliding with my chest as her eyes go wide in shock.

Jumping slightly she takes a step back, her hazel eyes going wide as she lets out a little squeak.

"S... Sorry Mr Hughes!" she chirps, her gaze darting to me and her balled fist for a moment before shifting down to the rubbery pale suit resting over her arm. She opens her mouth to say something, her whole body flinching as the sound of a door somewhere in the hallway squeaks and a set of footsteps begin to shuffle out.

Without another word the five foot seven brunette ducks under my arm, sliding past me and into my apartment as she clumsily kicks the door closed behind her. Blinking rapidly I'm left in shock as the young brunette takes a deep breath, a mumbled set of voices coming from somewhere in the hallway slowly moving away.

"What are..." I croak sleepily, rubbing my eyes as I try to muster a glare at the young woman.

"Uh... Mr Hughes..." she mutters nervously, fiddling with the squeaking suit. "Could I ask you a favor?"

Refilling my coffee mug I cast an look over at Kelly, the nervous young woman having seated herself on my sofa while I set about trying to wake myself back up. "So..." I mutter, walking over the fridge to fetch the last of the milk. "What's this favor?"

"I... um..." Kelly murmurs, her lightly tan cheeks flaring red with embarrassment. "Need a friend?" she continues, biting at her bottom lip as she swallows hard at the words that just left her mouth. Cocking an eyebrow I quickly pour the milk into my mug, stirring in slightly before turning to the young woman.

"A... friend..." I muse, not quite understanding the request. As I sip at the coffee I watch as Kelly squirms in discomfort, the gears in her head grinding as she tries to think of how to explain her situation.

"Not just a friend..." she huffs, reaching up to a thick maroon scarf around her neck as she tugs and fidgets with it. "... but... um... a specific friend..." she continues, tugging at the long moss green cardigan around her shoulders.

"I don't..." I begin to mutter, only to be cut off by Kelly.

"I've been busy right? Working on some projects, and I didn't really get a chance to make... But my parents kept asking about friends right? But not like friends, but like a best friends, and so I..." she explains frantically, pausing as as she takes a deep breath. "... So I told them I've been hanging out with Florence... Hughes... Your sister"

As a look of confusion spreads across my face I watch as Kelly shrinks down into her seat, her hand rubbing at her pale blue paint splotched jeans. "I don't have a..."

"I knoooooow..." Kelly whines, putting her head in her hands as she hides her face. "But they trust you, and I figured they wouldn't ask... or like they'd be cool with Flo being my buddy for..." she huffs, sighing into her palms.

"Bud..." I begin to ask, only for another flurry of word salad to fly from Kelly's mouth.

"For the trip, like they said I needed someone they trusted going with me and I figured 'they seem to like Flo' even though she doesn't exist. I asked and told them she was going with me, but now they want to meet her but she doesn't exist so I spent my savings on this and I figured if you could be her my parents would let us..." Kelly rambles, barely taking a breath as she fights to blurt out her train of thought before her nerves can get the better of her.

I hold up a hand to stop her, the young woman inhaling deeply as she recovers from her tirade. Drinking my coffee as begin to wander back over to her, exhaling through my nose as I try to process what she had just said.

"You bought that?" I huff, pointing down to the pale suit nestled in her lap. She nods back excitedly, grabbing the bundle of fleshy rubber before heaving it up and holding it out to me.

"Yeah yeah!" she chirps, her voice shaking slightly as she motions for me to take the suit. "I designed it myself..." she says giddily, the artistic young woman seemingly proud in her work. "... I mean, based on you and how I've been describing Flo to..."

Reaching out I take the suit, flinching slightly as I feel the oddly textured rubber unfurl in my palm. Arms and legs roll out and reach for the floor as they dangle loosely beneath the suit as a whole, the hands and feet bulging slightly as if weighed down or filled with a bit of air. A light fuzz of light brown hair rests over a flattened skull, the fake skin splitting open at the back as a long metal zip runs from the head down to the tailbone.

Placing the coffee down I hold up the suit, my arms holding the suit out as I try to reckon with the idea of somehow fitting inside the damned thing despite the size difference. Kelly smirks a little as she catches me staring at the suit, the young art student sitting up with anticipation.


"You could... try it on?" Kelly murmurs, eager to see her handy work in the flesh. For a second I freeze up, glancing down at my larger and fully clothes form before looking back at the suit. For a moment I consider running off to get changed, my head twisting towards the bedroom before Kelly speaks up.

"Just put it oooooon..." she says excitedly, the young woman practically squealing as she catches my look away. "You're meant to be able to wear your clothes under..." she begins to explain, only to pause as I lower the suit down to slide my foot inside.

The sheer curiosity is too much to bare, the chance to at least try a suit being after being bombarded with adverts overwhelming my better judgement. As my leg slides inside I feel the suit stretch and yield to the larger and thicker limb, the pale fake skin straining over me as I shove my foot down into place. As I stagger and hop in place I shove my other leg into the suit, a sudden shudder ripping up through my lower body as I feel the rubber suddenly come into contact with bare skin.

It's as though the legs of my sweat pants have suddenly vanished below the pelvis, the fabric seemingly disappearing as it descends into the suit. The process continues as I pull my arms and torso inside as well, the suit easily stretching and distorting to accommodate my larger frame.

Looking down I stare at the 'head' of the suit, the fuzz covered scalp being the only feature on the otherwise pale and blank face. No eyes or mouth appear to exist on the front, the idea of suffocating as I put it on slowly inching its way into my mind. In my moment of hesitation I don't notice as Kelly bounds excitedly to her feet, the taller than average brunette quickly tugging the mask up and over my head as I yelp in shock.

As the fleshy head of the suit wraps over me I squirm in discomfort, the rubber expanding out and contracting back in over my mouth as I struggle to breathe. My senses feel deadened as my eyes are blinded and my ears are forced to listen through the straining material around me, a muddled giggling soon rumbling up from behind me as I feel the zipper hastily run up from the small of my back before ceasing right behind my skull.

My body shudders as the suit suddenly turns rigid, the once pliable rubber snapping and pulling against me as my arms are forced out to my side and my legs snap together. I huff and struggle against the sudden pressure, my head soon spinning as I feel myself begin to suffer from the lack airways inside the suit.

The snapping and sloshing inside the suit soon becomes all I can hear, a bubbling intense heat forming beneath the rubber as I feel myself practically begin to melt from the side out. Muffled footsteps traipse around me, the hardwood floors creaking as Kelly watches over the process.

"Okay... okay..." she mutters, her voice barely audible through the frightening noises inside the suit. "I hope this makes sense, I mean, I've been telling my parent's that Flo...

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