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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Friday 11 October 2024

Lights, Camera, Change! - Part Six

Opening the car door I brace for the cold, a whimpering shudder wracking me as I leap out of the sedan. "Cold... cold cold cold..." I pant, rubbing at my stick-like arms in an effort to warm up while inadvertently and disconcertingly squishing my bust with my forearms. I turn to get my bag, leaning in as my plump rear stick out while I snatch at one of the straps.

Suddenly, I feel a hand snake around my flat stomach before pulling me back. I squeal in shock, my feather light body being slightly lifted off the ground as I'm embraced from behind. My heart hammers in my chest, my breath going ragged in terror, though the heat from the person behind me threatens to leave me melting.

"Hey Jordy" coos a voice in my ear, their warm breath on my neck leaving my knees shaking a little. "I got your bag" the state, wrapping an arm around my waist they guide me to the side. As I stagger back, still held firmly by the stranger, I watch as they lower down to grab my overly heavy bag. 

I bite the inside of my lip as my eyes lock to the towering and extremely fit young brunette with a gym bag in one hand, her muscular frame being painted by a tight set of yoga shorts and a sports bra. My mouth falls open, my eyes locked to the practical amazon's thick toned thighs and plush taut rear as she leans across the seat, a shuddering breath escaping my plush lips as I find a warmth flashing through me.

As she stand back up she slings the heavy backpack effortlessly over her shoulder, the massive seeming young woman flashing me a grin as she gets the strap in place.

Her dark brown hair is trimmed into a short pixie cut, the long fringe having been swept to the side and stuck in place with no small amount of sweat. A set of muddy hazel eyes look down at me as she grins excitedly, her goofy exuberant smile almost making her seem like some sort of puppy. Her complexion is lightly tan, extremely so as it more so has a healthy glow that just keeps it from being pale.

Her shoulders are somewhat broad for a woman, her neck leading down into strained roped muscles that span down to her arms and back. Her biceps appear swollen and tight, the visible veins running down the length of her arm and the reddened callouses on her palms screaming 'morning workout'. Her light gray sports bra features multiple darkened patches, the sweat stains seeping into the soft fabric beneath her arms and creating a line below her modest yet perky bust.

I practically drool as I find myself looking at her exposed midsection, the taut firm abs and obliques on full display for me as droplets of sweat trace lines down the firm flesh. The set of tight black yoga shorts cling to her like a second skin, the outline of the boyshorts beneath pressing through the elastic material. Her ass is plush yet tight, thick muscles and a soft layer of fat making it so that you could bounce a quarter off it. Her legs are like tree trunks, thick and muscular as the load baring support for the athletic young woman.

"Uh... I..." I stammer, my heart hammering so hard in my chest that I feel it in my head. For a moment I think my glasses are going to fall off my nose, the slight shudder from each and every rush of blood leaving me staggering slightly where I stand.

Suddenly, the woman scoops me up as her arms wrap around me. My feet dangle in the air and my arms spread out, a sharp squeal escaping my mouth before I'm suddenly silenced by a set of lips and probing tongue. In an instant I feel my back press against the car, my thick and plump ass pressing against the window as I shudder at the thought of what was being broadcast back home.

Soon however, the thought of being watched or the fact I was dangling in the air leaves me, a soft moan rumbling up my throat as I slowly begin to lose myself in the kiss. My nostrils flare as I take in the mixture of sweat and floral lavender deodorant from the strange young woman, my body growing flush and agitated as I wrap my legs around the woman's waist. My tongue slips past her lips, wrestling with her own for a second before the tall young woman pulls back with a giggling gasp.

"Hey babe" she pants breathlessly, her husky voice slipping out in a whisper. Her eyes look straight at me, the green-ish brown pools sparkling with lust and adoration. "Miss the turn again?" she giggles, the screeching of the breaks having told her right where to find me.

"Uh...uh huh..." I pant, my face burning as I find myself not quite caring about the cold weather anymore. My glasses quickly begin to fog up, our combined breaths steaming the glass as I soon find myself blinded.

"I could drive you!" she chirps, leaning in as I feel her toned bod sandwich me between herself and the car. "I mean I don't have a car, but I could drive yours and you could just relax while I..."

"Bridgette Tailor!" snaps a voice from the other side of the parking lot, the stern and matronly tone sending a shudder though the brunette that is so severe even I can feel it. "And Jordan Hughes! Need I remind you two of acceptable display of affection on school grounds?"

Turning to the source of the voice I find myself straining to make much of anything out, a dark and distant blur. In one swift motion I feel myself lurch back down, my legs catching on Bridgette's waist before I manage to get them beneath me with a clumsy stagger.

"Sorry Ms Graham" Bridgette bleats, her head hanging a little as the disappointed tone rips into her. "I.. We just..."

"I fell..." I blurt out, taking off my glasses as I begin to wipe them on my sleeve. As I bring the glasses back to my face the heavy blur snaps into focus, my gaze locking to the mature gray-haired woman dressed in a rake thin suit.

"You... fell?" Ms Graham states, cocking a slender plucked eyebrow at the terrible lie. "And I suppose Ms Tailor was..."

"Helping me up" I squeak, my breath catching me in my throat as I look up at the six foot two woman with a quivering smile. "She's just so tall and I'm so..." I murmur, nervously giggling as I glance at my reflection in the car window and my five foot one frame.

I watch as the stern woman rubs the bridge of her nose, her pale gray eyes shutting firmly as she thinks for a moment.

"Please just get prepared for class you two" she sighs, turning to leave. "Please be more careful Ms Hughes, I don't wish to write up any incident reports for you... falling. And Ms Tailor, we do have clothing standards here even if we don't have a uniform" We both watch as Ms Graham looks around at the other students arriving, the stern woman marching off towards the front entrance as she spots something new to draw her ire.

"Thanks for..." Bridgette begins to mutter, the towering form still slouching and shrinking away after the admonishment from Ms Graham. She quickly reaches into her bag, pulling out a heavy lilac purple jacket before quickly sliding it on and zipping it up to the point it nearly covers her face.

Reaching over I take her hand, my tiny delicate digits twitching as I glide them over the firm callouses on the young woman's palm and fingers.

"Don't worry about it" I chirps, swallowing hard as I bite my lower lips. My heart continues to race, the lingering taste and scent of the young woman who I could only guess was my girlfriend leaving my body on edge and eager for more.

"Can you... walk me to class?" I ask, my eyes darting to the backpack as I quickly realize I had no idea where or what I was meant to do once I made it into the school. Bridgette suddenly perks up, her hangdog expression shifting rapidly to an excited grin as I ask for help.

"Sure!" she blurts out excitedly, the towering woman quickly leading me away from the car and towards the side entrance to the first large brick building. "I'll take you there and... and I can carry your bag for you. Why is it so heavy? You shouldn't be carrying something like..."

"Thanks honey" I coo, raising her hand up with my own as I plant a little kiss on it.

I watch as Bridgette's cheeks begin to burn bright red, the tiny sliver of affection seemingly doing more than our brief make out session in the parking lot. Her sentence falls short, a pathetic mewling blabber consuming her words before she manages to shut herself up.

"I... I think you have English first right?" Bridgette chokes out, her breath shuddering as we pass over the lane way to the parking lot and begin up the short set of steps. "Lots of books for that I... I guess..."

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