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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Friday 11 October 2024

Re:The Body Shop - Part Four

As I slowly begin to come to my mind struggles to take stock of myself, the constant movement and shifting of my body beneath me making the idea that I was simply laying down on the steps where I fell completely out of the question. A shudder runs down my spine as I yawn, my eyes fluttering open only to be blinded by the painfully bright light around me.

"Wha... Where..." I groan, blinking rapidly as I try to clear my vision. The night before quickly hits me like a sack of bricks, my heart quickly racing as the memories of Bunny and her running off with me in tow quickly surges to the forefront of my mind.

I feel my body jump a little at my breathy voice, the alien force animating it being taken by surprise as I slowly wake up.

"Where are... are you..." I mumble, shifting the sleep from my eyes with another flurry of blinks. As my vision returns and my eyes adjust to the harsh lights around me I find myself shaking nervously as I stumble out onto a wooden deck, my body whipping around beneath me as I stare at the dirt road and dense forest surrounding me.

My eyes shot open immediately, my heart racing and my blood pumping as panic begins to set in. Gone was the stairwell, gone was the night sky, gone was the damned city as a whole. Rather than towering buildings and constant traffic I find my view blocked by rows upon rows of dense greenery in the form of beautiful trees and dense wild grasses filling the underbrush.

The dirt road loops around in front of me, a winding path coming out of the forest before expanding to fill the man-made clearing and narrowing once more as it curves off into the forest once more. Freshly made tire tracks run from the front of the deck out down the road to the right, a smaller and more maneuverable motor bike sits next to where the car had once been parked.

The deck itself is relatively plain, well maintained and freshly varnished hardwood planks stretch out either side of me as a small railing provides some sense of privacy. As my body lurches around, a cry of surprise erupting from me as my powerful body rushes back to the door behind us, I spot a small sign by the door frame.

Station 12

'Wild Carrot'

As I lumber inside the frigid temperature of the outdoors finally begins to set in, my hands flying up to rub at my exposed arms as Bunny forces us to jump around in an effort to warm back up. The room is a blur as I struggle to focus between each jump, the cozy cabin only making sense the moment before my body hops back into the air.

Thankfully, the sports bra and yoga pants do great work. With each landing and push off I feel my new muscles tense and release in a way that I simply had never felt before, the subtle bounce of my plush rear and rather large chest distracting me momentarily with each landing.

"Heater!" I shout, catching sight of an old black wood stove sitting nestled in the back corner. Bunny staggers as she lands, our shivering form dashing faster than I had thought possible as she practically sprints us over to the squat black metal cube.

Glancing around, my eyes darting from side to side, I find myself in the middle of a rather dimly lit and fairly cramped space. The open space around me appears to be a living area, the wooden stove being more of a heater for the aging sofa and chairs surrounding it. The room smells of old wood and pine needles, the heady scent of sap and resin nearly burning my nostrils with each inhale.

To the right rests a kitchen, the open alcove starting beside the front door and forming a little U-shape with it's counters and gas appliances. Beside it rests a whiteboard filled with days of the month and various notes, the wall mounting separating the kitchen from the tiny bathroom next door. The bathroom is basically a small as it could possibly be in order to fit a sink a toilet and a shower, the sink itself actually being a part of the toilet as a way to reuse the gray water after washing one's hands.

As I try to turn left I'm suddenly brought down to my knees, the cold hardwood floor creaking beneath me as I feel my hands fumble with the little metal latch on the stove. Bunny quickly places a piece of wood inside the burner, pausing for a moment as she seems to be at a loss on what to do. I feel my hands twitch as I try to take control, the opinionated body refusing to give me even an inch.

"I can light it" I huff in my sweet breathy voice. "I can..." I begin to mutter, pausing as I twist my head to look around the stove. "There are matches on the stove..." I huff, watching as Bunny snatches them up "And there's a bucket of kindling behind the logs" I continue, giving up on wrestling control away from Bunny as she quickly begins to stuff dry leaves and twigs in amongst the wooden block.

After a few moments a small fire begins to take on the freshly chopped wood, my whole body soon easing as the warmth begins to creep out of the stove and through the metal chimney running up to the roof of the cabin.

Clambering off the floor I'm soon flung onto the couch, my hands quickly snatching up a thick wool blanket as Bunny makes us comfortable.

"Where the fuck are we?" I mutter, eliciting a small shrug from our shared shoulders.

Suddenly a static crackle fills the cabin, a loud burst of noise coming from somewhere behind me as Bunny practically leaps from our seat.

"Station Twelve?" croaks the hoarse voice of a long time smoker, the elderly man on the other end coughing slightly before speaking again. "Station Twelve I see smoke from near your location, can you confirm whether you lit your heater or do we have more campers leaving embers out there?"

Looking towards the source I spy two small bedrooms mirroring the kitchen and bathroom layout on the other side. The rear bedroom appears overly full, two single beds having been dragged inside and leaving practically no walking space around the sides. The front bedroom however largely appears empty, the small space simply being used as an office and for storage.

Sitting on a small desk in the makeshift office I spot a walkie talkie sitting on a charging dock, a little screen on it glowing green as another voice quickly comes through over it.

"Sorry David, Jo's still back at the cabin. She was sleeping when I left to get check that smoke this morning" states a soothing and calm voice over the radio, the sing-song feminine voice being marred by a slight nasal whistle as she speaks. "You are right though Dave, some idiots forgot to douse their campsite. I've put the rocks back and cleared it up for..."

"Thanks for that Cass, but I want to know who's lighting fires now. If I see smoke and I don;t have a camper on record I need to..." the man huffs, grumbling through the speaker as I suddenly lurch towards the walkie talkie. Bunny snatches it from it's dock, holding down the prominent button on the side as it's lifted to my face.

"Uh... Yeah sorry..." I bleat in confusion, inhaling sharply as I speak to the unseen strangers. "I... just wanted to warm the place up?" I chuckle nervously.

"Awwww babe?" the woman coos, the sound of a car engine revving and roaring to life rumbling in the background. "Was the extra blanket not enough? I thought..."

"Cass..." grumbles the old man, cutting the young woman off. "Can you please refrain from calling other rangers by pet names? I get enough shit about professionalism when the higher ups hear a nickname or naughty word."

A hissing inhale rattles over the radio as the woman takes an overly embarrassed breath. "Sorry Dave, won't happen again" She states, the sound of tires kicking up dirt soon becoming clear over her radio. "While I've got the car I may make a stop into town, we've been running low on some things."

"Nuh uh" David snaps, his tongue clicking and tutting as he does so. "No way, you can't just take the thing out for a spin when it's not for official..."

"David..." the woman says slowly and clearly, pausing a moment for effect after cutting him off. "We're two ladies out in the wilderness and we need certain... items. I can give you a list if you'd like to go pick them up your..."

"Just fill up the car on the way back" David hastily replies, the thought of doing shopping for women's essentials obviously leaving him desperate to leave the conversation. "David out."

"I thought so Dave" Cass chuckles back, the revving of the engine growing louder as the car picks up speed. "I'll be out for a bit, but I should be home... well probably after duties are done. I left some hot water in the kettle, hopefully enough for a coffee. Love you babe..." she coos sweetly, a little yelp following her use of a pet name. "Shit... I hope he didn't hear tha..." she blurts out, her voice growing faint before disappearing with a click.

I stand in shock for a moment, my hand moving on its own to place the radio back into the charger. In the reflection of the large window I catch myself, Bunny jumping in shock as we both take in the sight of us.

"Are my eyelashes..." I mutter, blinking a few times as Bunny leans me towards the glass. "...Longer?" I finish, only for my hands to move up as they begin to poke and prod at the one part of my body Bunny didn't control. Fluttering them a little I can't help but thick they've grown, either thicker or longer or even both. My facial hair is also different, the thick coarse hairs having grown thinner seemingly in the blink of an eye with patches even appearing to recede back into my face.

Suddenly a hand reaches up to grab at my scalp, Bunny's fingers running through my short yet slightly longer light brown locks as I find it somewhat fuller than it was when I had walked into that damned shop.

"That was fas..." I begin mutter, only to be spun around as Bunny pivots us in place. Looking at the other side of the room I immediately spot the wardrobes, one likely dragged from the other room to make room for the extra bed. Masking tape runs across the top section of each, one reading 'Cassandra' while the other reads 'Jordan'.

With a quick bounce forward Bunny flings the doors to our wardrobe open, her shoulders sagging a little at the sight of it. While there were a few pieces of workout gear including yoga pants and shorts, the majority of the clothes were more practical. Thick flannel tops, heavily worn jeans, and warm woolen sweaters hang from the rack while plain shirts in a variety of bland colors sit in the top drawer. 

She perks up however as she finds the underwear, a series of comfortable and supportive fabric bras intermingle with a few lacy or push up options while the panties and boy shorts alternate between practical and pretty. I feel a hand nudge the bottom of my chin, my errant hand attempting to make me look up.

"What are..." I mutter, the realization suddenly hitting me as I feel the other hand begin to peel the brown yoga shorts off my plump and tight rear. "Hey... it's my body now too, I should be..." I begin to argue, only to have my head nudged up once again as the shorts begin to wriggle down past my muscular thighs before dropping to the floor.

Rather than fight the far stronger body beneath me I simply stare up at the rafters, the sensation of the cool air agaisnt my exposed skin and the lack of my former cock leaving me exhaling with shallow shuddering breaths. Before long I feel Bunny hastily slide up a set of boyshorts before shimmying into a set of the heavy blue jeans, the button cinching the waist band neatly above our flared hips. My world goes dark as a black shirt is dropped over my head, my arms wriggling themselves into the sleeves as I feel the tight cotton cling to my athletic form like a glove.

With a small pat of my head I begin to look down, my body pivoting once again as Bunny seems to take stock of our new wardrobe. Butch yet undoubtedly womanly is all I could thick, the firm thighs and biceps straining against the material of my clothes while it clings to the roller coaster curves that had made Bunny and eight out of ten body.

"Hot damn..." I coo softly, enjoying the sound of my breathy voice as Bunny pops her hips to the side. With one hand on her hip she flexes with the other arm, pausing for a moment afterwards to give her shoulders a happy little wiggle as I feel our heart race with excitement. "You like this?" I mutter, only to receive a giddy bounce and a thumbs up from Bunny.

"Great... great..." I chuckle, twisting my head as I look out to the kitchen. "In that case, how about a coffee?"

It takes a bit of coordination for Bunny to let me sip at the bland and unpleasant instant coffee, the lack of milk really just leaving it bitter caffeine water more than anything else. Sitting on the sofa by the fire I slowly begin to get comfortable, Bunny seemingly knowing exactly when I want another sip as the mug is quickly brought up to my lips.

"So... park ranger... apparently..." I mutter, unsure about how any of this made sense. "Did you ever do like Girl Scouts or..." I ask, watching as Bunny gives me a thumbs down and a shrug. "Guess we can work that out as we..." I muse, my eyes darting to the whiteboard as I sigh.

"We have a job don't we..." I groan, my body sagging as Bunny seems equally dismayed. With a heave of our mighty frame Bunny begins to drag us over to the whiteboard, the helpful body letting me drink the last of the coffee before I begin to inspect the whiteboard.

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