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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Friday 11 October 2024

The Swap-Cation - Part Three

I quiver slightly as I feel myself get placed down on something cold and hard, the chilly sheet of metal beneath me waking me slightly as I realize just what I am sitting on. However, after a few moments of sitting on the metal plate nothing seems to happen.

"Carl?" calls the young woman, her shout coming through loud and clear as she stand over me. "Yeah... Yeah I've got the list... But I... Yeah...Is this blonde real or dyed?... No, I need to know otherwise the prom queen is going to be up there with exposed roots”

The woman quickly begins to pace away, the sound of her stomping boots piercing the obstructing flesh over my ears before vanishing entirely in an instant. Murmured voices rumble in the distance, a back and forth completely lost to me as some low voice chatters with the young woman.

As the voices die down I hear the boots begin to approach, a series of keystrokes soon following as I feel my pathetic squishy form become constrained by some invisible force. My mind swims and my blood boils as I feel the last of the slime over my skin dry up in an instant, the last vestiges of oxygen vanishing in an instant.

"Al...ght..." the woman coos, her voice distant and hard to make out. "Le... thi...the...ro..." she calls out, a sudden shock rippling through my terrible diminished form. With a gasping breath I feel two holes form in what I could loosely describe as my face, the small gaps quickly winding through my jiggling flesh into what feel like a pathetic and deflated set of lungs. The two little holes begin to shift as cartilage forms between them, my skin stretching out as a small and dainty nose is formed.

My eyes snap open as I feel my skin unseal, the world shifting in a radical blur of light and color as the complex structures of cones and rods hastily re-knit themselves. Things look almost as though they are tinted with a pale green hue for a moment before snapping into focus, the world around me amounting to the narrow confines of a moving truck that appears to be overflowing with the parts of a disassembled Swap Clinic Machine.

I stare ahead, unable to do much else, as a pale young brunette in her late twenties stands at the end of the van. She is cloaked in a thick black down jacket and a muddy set of jeans, the boots caked in dirt and blades of grass just as the cuffs of her pants are.

A guttural slurp fills the van as I feel my shrunken fleshy form bulge and distend downwards, a bubble of fat and meat soon forming beneath me as I feel hard and sharp bone fragments begin to form inside of it. My proto-lungs and heart rapidly sink down into the sack, a series of bones shifting to entrap the organs before forming into a set of ribs. 

I feel a long tube begin to form behind my sealed lips, the passage way splitting as one connects down to my slowly expanding lungs while the other races down beneath them. My eyes twitch as I feel the fleshy sack expand more and more, the taut pale skin stretching and expanding as bones link with new tendons and foot after foot of intestinal track begins to fill the protuberance to bursting.

Suddenly, with a wet pop I feel four nubs force their way out of the sack, two sets of folded up bones unfurling as the skin is forced to stretch to accommodate the straining limbs. The nubs soon shift and quiver, bones locking into place while others continue down past a joint as forearms and calves are quickly formed. A downy layer of soft fat builds on the newly formed limbs, delicate and feminine while a taut muscles slowly layer themselves around the freshly inserted bones.

With a loud crack I feel my lower body begin to be stretched out either side, a large bone beneath me widening inch by uncomfortable inch as something forms in the pit of my abdomen. By the time my dainty fingers and toes are forming I feel a heavy weight begin to pool on my rear, the fat growing to prodigious levels before deflating slightly as the flab is distributed down to fill out my plush thighs as well.

I wheeze through my nose as I feel a uniform bubble of fat begin to build on my chest, a muffled whimper soon escaping my nose as the shelf of flab suddenly bisects and drops slightly into two perfect yet relatively large breasts. I flinch as I feel my flat and blank crotch quiver and split, a set of delicate sensitive lips forming as something worms its way up and into the strange space resting in my abdomen.

I let out a gasping sigh as my mouth is suddenly unsealed, a set of plush bowed lips parting as I begin to pant for breath. Soft mewling whimpers bubble up as my breath catches my new vocal chords, sweet and honey and bubbly beyond belief the sound of it leaves me double taking as I try to catch up on the minutes without air.

As I curtain of thick sandy blonde hair cascades down over my face and shoulders I feel my ears bubble back into being, a cute little set with holes poked into the lobes.

"Physical changes complete" the woman mutters, her fingers dancing on the keyboard in a blur. "Now we've just got to patch up all those holes we left in that head of yours." I stare at her dimly, drool dribbling from my luscious lips as I weakly begin to mutter.

"Holes..." I bleat pathetically, the woman looking up at me with a smirk as I hand limply in the strange force field.

"I mean... yeah" she says incredulously, shaking her head a little as she shoots someone outside the truck a look. "I mean I guess most people don't think about it, but we can't have high schoolers walking around with a college education. It'd break immersion" she explains, chuckling as she returns to her typing.

I quickly begin to wrack my brains in search of just what they had taken, my eyes going wide in a panic as I realize how hard it would be to find something that was no longer there. I cast my mind back to school, to college as both a student and a teacher, while I can remember going to Lathem as a place as soon as I think of the classes I find my mind turning blank as I'm left with a buzzing mental static.

I frantically begin to think of more things, my mind suddenly locking to something I had obviously taken for granted.

"My name is... is..." I bleat weakly, my lips quivering as I try to dredge up anything from what feels like a literal hole in my brain. The woman chuckles slightly as she overhears me, her eyes rolling slightly as she continues her work.

"And how old are you?" she asks, glancing at me as the blood drains from my face.

"I'm... uh... I'm..." I blabber, biting hard at my lip in frustration as I feel as though it's on the tip of my tongue.

"And do you like boys or girls?" she continues, smirking as she takes pleasure in bullying the type of person who likely made her own schooling a living hell. "What about clothes? What do you like to wear?" she asks, tapping enter as a painful shock rips through my head.

"I... I..." I mutter, my breath catching in my throat as it comes to me. "I just got this new skirt, it's soooooo cute, it makes my legs look amazing and..." I blurt out, only stopping as I bite my lip to shut myself up.

"Glad to see you're receptive" the woman chuckles, tapping enter over and over as my skull is filled with a series of pulsing shocks. "Some people take a little bit of time for things to settle, but we should have you up and about in no time."

My eyes begin to water as I stare into the middle distance, the constant barrage of physical and mental changes taking their toll as tears and drool run in rivulets down my delicate face. My head feels like mush, the soft and supple gray matter growing numb as it's constantly forced to form thousands of borrowed connections over and over again.

I lose track of time before long, the haze in my head only lifting partially as the woman reaches out to grab my chin. She twists my head from side to side, the field around me yielding to her as she inspects her work.

"Okay Emily..." she chirps gleefully, releasing me as she returns to the computer. "I think it's time you woke up from this very weird dream, nighty ni..." she begins to coo, her words falling on deaf ears the moment her finger touches the enter key.

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