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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Thursday 17 October 2024

Lights, Camera, Change! - Part Eight

As I reach the steps down to the lane way and the parking lot beyond I immediately spot the pacing sight of Bridgette, the over six foot tall athletic young woman being difficult to miss and she shuffles around beside my old sedan.

Inching down the steps she spots me, my bright copper red hair likely not doing me any favors in subtly. She waves wildly at me, watching for a moment as I heft my tiny frame and heavy backpack across the lane before bolting over.

"Babe let me get..." she whine, her voice dripping with concern as she practically pulls the backpack off of me and effortlessly slings it over one shoulder. Her free hand clutches at the large gym bag she had carried this morning, the large black denim bag appearing to crumple and squish around whatever was inside.

"Thanks..." I sigh, my body feeling leagues lighter as the weight is pulled off my shoulders. It was like everything was relative, the straps of my bra having been completely ignored all day as the ache and pain from carrying the bag consumed my thoughts more presently. "What are... were you waiting for me?" I ask meekly, adjusting my glasses a little as I look up at the practical amazonian in front of me.

Bridgette rubs at the back of her neck nervously, her face turning red as she looks up and away for a moment.

"Kinda..." she mutters, her husky voice shaking a little. "I was.. well I was going to ask...My parents are out of town and... well, do you think you could maybe stay the night?" I watch as the tan young brunette, bites at her bottom lip, her shoulders slumping as she shrinks away a little out of nerves as she takes a shot.

My stomach fills with butterflies as I look up at her, my face twitching as I'm practically forced to wear a silly giddy grin.

"I'll need directions..." I state, walking around to the driver's side door. Pausing slightly as I realize just how that sounds. "I mean, where can I park and stuff."

Bridgette sounds miss a beat however, her face going bright red as she quickly opens the car door and tosses our bags into the back seat. The towering young woman practically leaps into the passenger's seat, the seat already having been adjusted for her long legs as though she was this vehicles passenger princess.

As I climb in, seating on the little cushion to give myself the necessary extra height, I look over at the brunette. A broad grin spreads across her face as she stares at me longingly, her whole body wriggling where she sits as she tries and largely fails to hold back her excitement. Starting the car I suddenly find Bridgette leaning over, planting a forceful kiss on my cheek as I slowly begin to pull out of the parking lot and into the unknown of the roads beyond.

The drive is surprisingly long, the modest and mass-produced houses passing us by as we shift further and further out into the suburbs. Before long the stock standard houses shift to smaller and more run down blocks of units and apartment buildings, the directions from Bridgette slowly taking us to a seemingly poorer end of town.

The brunette beside me thankfully is able to unlock my phone to call my parents, the young woman calling dad first in the hopes of getting the kinder parent to agree to a 'sleepover'. The older man immediately prattles on as he hears Bridgette's voice, asking about training and any upcoming competitions that go right over my head.

The two chat so much that I'm forced to clear my throat to bring Bridgette back to giving directions, the young woman quickly and with no small amount of embarrassment pointing out the next few turns before returning to the phone call.

'Dad' chuckles as the nervous young brunette asks if I can stay over, the poor thing mumbling and stumbling over her words as she tries to explain how her parents had gone away to visit her grandma and she'd be all alone if I'm not around. The older man simply tells her that a single night would be fine, that he'd let 'Mom' know and if we needed anything or wanted to stay at our house my parents would be a call away.

Before long, Bridgette points to a short two story block of old apartments as she tries to highlight an empty parking space.

"That's ours!" she calls out, lurching a little as I quickly try to bring the car down to a reasonable speed to make the turn. "You can park there, mom and day aren't getting back until tomorrow I think..." she mutters, a hint of sadness in her voice.

The building itself looks decades old, flimsy rusty railings line the concrete slab of a balcony and the cement stairs at either end of the block. Old brick walls gives the apartments some sense of color, the orange and red brickwork stained with swatches of green mildew  around drain pipes and gaps in the concrete.

Pulling into the parking spot and bringing the car to a stop, Bridgette bounds out of the vehicle as she grabs our bags excitedly. I'm barely out of the driver's seat by the time the young brunette has raced up to the apartment on the bottom right corner of the block, her hands fumbling in her bag for a key before finally unlocking and opening the door with a from shove from her shoulder.

"It's..." she mutters as I approach, the young woman holding the door open with an embarrassed red face. "It gets stuck sometimes..."

Inside feels physically damp, a slight musty scent of mold being poorly hidden under a painfully artificial vanilla scent coming from a series of cheap candles resting around the apartment. The sidelong door opens up into a kitchen straight ahead, the white cracked tile floor and the bright blue cabinets running to an alcove on the right. A note sits beneath a used coffee mug, a bit of cash poking out from underneath as Bridgette walks over to check it out.

A rough and stained dark blue carpet runs to the small living room to the right, an old sofa sitting up against the wall across from me facing a cheap yet very large TV. A clothes horse sits out, a variety of gym shorts and tops draped over the plastic limbs as they try to dry in the damp apartment.

Beside the TV sits a closed door, the master bedroom being closed off to us likely by Bridgette's parents. A small hallway continues down past the end of the living room, the narrow dark passageway leading into two more rooms beyond view.

"So..." Bridgette mutters, holding up the cash in her tan calloused fingers. "How do you feel about... pizza?"

The afternoon soon bleeds into evening, the towering woman practically crawling on top of me as she curls up to watch TV. Before long I'm left stroking her hair as she seems to turn into a cooing little puddle in my lap, the young brunette likely more than happy to stay there forever regardless of how hungry we got.

Eventually dinner is ordered, though likely later than it should have been, the massive meat lovers pizza arriving well into the night despite the constant growling of the towering young woman beside me. She shovels the protein laden slices into her maw like she hadn't eaten all day, her eyes darting to the remaining slices and then to me after finishing each piece.

Thankfully, my tiny frame simply can't handle the amount of food she had ordered. The brunette beams gleefully as I push my remaining half towards her as she practically begins to swallow the slices down whole with minimal chewing and a lot of coughing.

As the food settles the young woman seems to settle down, her head resting on my lap dreamily as she fights against dozing off while using my soft squishy thighs as a pillow. Rubbing her head I feel as she pressed down firmer into my legs, a sharp gasp slipping from my lips as I feel her constant shift send shivers up my spine.

"Do you want to..." I begin to squeak, adjusting my glasses a little as I look ahead at the hazy screen to make eye contact with the audience back home. "... Head to bed?" I mutter, the brunette wriggling a little as she begins to roll over. I flinch as she goes face down into my lap, her nose burying into my crotch by accident as I let out a shuddering exhale.

"Sure..." Bridgette mumbles tiredly, a husky muffled giggle rumbling up from my lap as she begins to press more firmly into my flat crotch. "...Anything you want..."

The young woman's bed room for lack of a better word is cramped, the tiny living area feeling like an after thought or more like it was meant to be used for storage than as a real bedroom. A king single bed sits pressed up against the far wall, the long slender bed likely being the newest item of furniture in the whole apartment.

The smell of sweat permeates the small room, discarded clothes laying in a loose pile by an overflowing hamper in the corner. A set of built-in wardrobes force out even more space, the slight gap in the door revealing several flannel shirts and jeans hanging from aging plastic hangers. The mirrored surface of the wardrobes sliding door grows hazy and pale as the audience takes up their vantage point in the room, the brunette not noticing at all as she leads me in nervously.

Yawning loudly I begin to strip down, my dainty hands moving out of habit as I begin to unbutton my shirt and kick off my synthetic black school shoes. As the cheap black bra beneath comes into plain view I catch movement out of the corner of my eye, a large red 'X' forming over the fog filled mirror as I lazily disrobe.

"Huh..." I mutter, staring at the mirror in confusion. Could the show not broadcast nudity? The thought lingering in my mind for a moment as I wriggle out of my long black skirt as I'm soon left in just some long white socks and my rather bland underwear.

Bridgette however looks downright dumbfounded, the towering woman looking at me with wide eyes a she nibbles nervously at her lip. As I reach back I unhook my bra with worryingly practice hands, the padded fabric dropping to the floor as I shake it and the shirt from my shoulders, the large pale teardrops on my chest sagging a little as my perky pink nipples stand at attention.

Smirking a little as I listen to Bridgette mewl at the sight of her tiny busty redheaded girlfriend waltz over to bed I quickly clamber onto the narrow yet long mattress. I peel off my socks, wriggling my toes as I spy the white nail polish shimmering at the end of the dainty digits. As I pull the plastic hairband from my head I toss it across the room, my long ass length copper head hair cascading around me as I proper myself up with pillows.

"Can you help me with these babe?" I coo, my breath heavy as I pluck at the waist band of my plain black panties. The brunette doesn't need to be asked twice, the giant young woman quickly racing over as she hops and jumps to remove her own shorts in a frenzy. As she climbs onto the bed she reaches down with her hands to yank the panties off, only to stop as I gently grab her wrist.

"No honey..." I giggle, reveling in the sense of power I had despite my tiny five foot one and rail thin frame. "No hands..." I purr, reaching up with a strain to reach from the top of her head and the sweaty brown hair. The poor thing practically shudders as I speak, the whole body hitting the deck as I soon run my fingers through her hair as she wriggles up towards my crotch.

Her hands slide down into her own boy shorts, her breath quivering as she begins to tease herself as I guide her head up towards me. Her breath against my bare thighs leaves me melting into the bed, my eyes fluttering as I reach up to remove my glasses. Her teeth soon find their mark, grabbing the elastic around my hips as her chin presses lightly into me.

Bridgette barely manages to get the wet cotton around my thighs before I hold her in place, my hand gently controlling her with a light urging more so than by any physical force. I slowly pull her towards my quivering aching pussy, the tender slit begging for attention as it drools down my supple thighs and my plump full ass. I listen as Bridgette mewls as I guide her closer and closer to the almost painful warmth between my legs, her own moans of pleasure soon entwining with my own as her tongue greedily begins to lap at the sensitive lips and the engorged little nub resting above them.

"Goooood..." I moan, my flat stomach knotting up as my muscles twitch and flex against my will. "Good... girl..." I pant, my head rolling back as I sink into the quilt and pillows acting as my seat. As my praise reaches the brunette's ears it seems to push some buttons deep inside, her legs tensing up as a husky muffled moan rumbles up from between my pale thighs.

My breath grows short, my eyes fluttering as shocks of pleasure powerful enough to send my whole shrunken body quivering begin to build as my brain turns to mush. My hand firmly grips the short sweaty mop of brown hair atop Bridgette's head, another whimpering and delighted moan soon following as her body begins to quake and her unseen hands lock up buried somewhere deep in her underwear.

"You... like that...pet..." I purr, panting and moaning with such a high pitched whine that I feel as though everyone in the building can hear me. Despite this I don't stop, the whimpering moans seeming to only encourage the brunette as she buries her face deep and 'eat' with far more vigor.

With a long drawn out cry I arch my back, my free hand darting up to paw at my chest and my tight perky nipples. Fingers sink into the soft squishy mounds, my controlling grasp forcing Bridgette against me with as much force as my quivering and shaking form can muster. My mind numbs, my brain turning to mush momentarily as my breath catches in my throat and my body convulses against my will.

Despite this, the brunette simply does not stop. Her own moans grow and build much like my own as she seems spurred on by my display, her efforts redoubling as she quickly brings me to another mind numbing orgasm after another.

I'm barely even awake as I pull Bridgette away from my pussy, the thick mixture of spit and juices covering the bed and my legs as it soaks into the sheets and mattress in kind. With whimpering breaths I guide the submissive little amazon of a woman up towards me, the towering young woman soon embracing my tiny form as she cuddles up possessively next to me.

Warm, full of food, exhausted from my lack of sleep, and tongue-fucked senseless I quickly find myself drifting off to sleep as Bridgette pulls the blanket over the two of us.


The Hostess back at the studio fans herself with her cue cards, her eyebrows raising towards the camera with a knowing look.

"Sorry... is it hot in here all of a sudden?" she giggles, the studio audience laughing along with her as the camera remains fixed on the panting reddened faces of the young women on screen. "It seems Ms Hughes took my words about getting a girlfriend when she got back to heart, she's even starting early."

Suddenly, the image on screen both in the studio and across the live broadcasts at home shifts to show a split screen between myself and the other six contestants. Each lay asleep in one position or another, most in a bed of some kind while one or two appear to have fallen asleep on a couch or in the back seat of a car.

Small numbers begin to fill the lower third of each image, starting at '000%' but with plenty of room to grow. Along with this, each of the contestant's is obscured by six options as new changes for them to undertake should they remain on the program.

On the stage the large glass box filled with the now rather familiar fog is rolled out, the Hostess looking towards it as the studio audience roars with excitement.

"That's right..." The Hostess announces, gesturing towards the strange device. "It's time to bring one of our contestant's back home, back to their own body, and out of the running to win our fabulous grand prize" she continues, the crowd going wild at the mention of the life changing money on the other end of one contestant's journey through a new reality.

"Ms Hughes escaped early elimination for her little nap, but can she avoid it again? Maybe Mr Jones should be given his life back, I'm certain sleeping in a car can't be good for his back she laughs, referring to another contestant as the votes begin to roll in.

"We'll be back with the results... right after this commercial break."

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