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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Thursday 17 October 2024

Re:The Body Shop - Part Seven


Suddenly, I'm snapped from my thoughts as a set of footsteps begin to approach. Bunny too lurches at the sound, whipping around and deleting the last message before coming to sit more like a normal human being at the sound of clinking bowls.

"You okay sweetie?" Cassandra asks softly, two bowls of very simple fettuccine in a deep red sauce resting in her hands. Clutched to her chest by her arms sit the box of wine and the cup from earlier, the young woman obviously not one to let the drinks stay in the kitchen. "You look a little flushed..." she states, pausing fro a moment as Bunny reaches out to take the bowls from her. "Thanks, but if you're warm you can take your shirt off" she states, placing the cup and the box of wine on the coffee table before wriggling it over towards the sofa.

She smirks as she sits down, her lips forming into a devilish grin as she places her hands around my waist. Her fingers wrap around the bottom of my shirt, her warm hands slinking under the sweaty cotton as she begins to stroke my tight taut abs.

"I wouldn't complain... I promise" She coos, her hazel eyes looking into my own lovingly. Suddenly she inches closer as her hands slide further up my torso, pushing me back into the sofa as she pins me down.

Her hands slide up my sides, fingers gripping my taut obliques as Cass' wrists catch the bottom of my top as it is dragged up with her arms. The redhead grins from ear to ear as she sees me sweaty tan abs, her lower body shifting as she straddle my thigh and holds it down with her body weight.

As my black shirt reaches my chest Bunny raises our arms, gripping the small small bowls above my head as she struggles to keep the food from falling while the young woman continues to strip us.

Cassandra's hips begin to rock as the plain white fabric sports bra is brought into view, a mixture of giddy excitement and arousal causing the young woman to grind slowly yet firmly against my leg as she stares down at me with a terrible hunger in her eyes. I shift my head around as the black cotton is draw up over my shrinking jaw before it covers my eyes, the top soon sliding over my head as it binds my arms with a little yank from Cassandra.

With one hand on the shirt the redhead reaffirms her grip, using the top as reigns to hold and bind my arms more easily.

My heart races, my eyes wide as Bunny merely quivers excitedly in anticipation. Cass leans down, planting a kiss firmly on my chest before placing another and another. Slowly but surely she creeps up, her lips dancing across my collar bone and up to my neck before suddenly nibbling and sucking on the sensitive flesh.

I let out a gasp that fills the cabin, Bunny bucking out hips in reaction as our heart skips a beat. Cass' muffled moans fill my ears, her constant kisses and love bites leaving my neck covered in small hickies as her bucking hips begin to press against me in a far more intense manner. I'm soon blabbering and mewling with my warm breathy voice, my shared arms now shaking as my boy shorts quickly begin to grow warm and damp.

Cass inhales deeply before letting out a soft satisfied moan, her body collapsing forwards as she presses against me.

"Fuck, I've missed your taste" she mutters, her tongue running along my neck as she shifts up to nibble at my earlobes. I squeal in surprise, only to melt into a mewling pathetic mess as the redhead rapidly jumps between teasing my various erogenous zones with practiced precision.

"I... I fuck..." I whimper, Bunny writhing our lower body in time with Cass'. "I... you were only... only gone..."

"Since this morning?" Cassandra coos, leaning over as she begins to kiss my smooth cheek lovingly. "Too long..." she chuckles, inching closer and closer to my lips as my heart races a mile a minute. "I've yearned for..." she purrs, hovering an inch away fro my face as she bites at her bottom lip mischievously.


Suddenly, Cass reaches up with her free hand as she takes a bowl of pasta. The redhead cackles with laughter as she backs up to the other side of the sofa, her own nipples poking out from her oversized shirt as she grins at my severely blushing face. 

"...Pasta" she giggles, poking out her tongue as she spins her fork in the fettuccine. "Come on, what are you doing?" she chides, smirking at me as I lay back on the sofa panting with a bowl of pasta held high in the air. "Just take the shirt off already, I made that for you to eat while it's hot ya know."

I'm left dumbstruck, panting heavily as my thick erect nipples press against the sweaty sports bra and an aching heat gnaws between my thick muscular thighs. Bunny slowly follows the orders, sliding our free hand down out of the sleeve before trading the bowl over and tossing the shirt behind the sofa with a flick of our wrist.

Shaking a little, Bunny slowly wriggles back and slides our legs beneath us. Slowly and carefully Bunny begins to feed me fork-full after fork-full of pasta, my bowl appearing to be packed with as much ground beef as it could hold while Cass' was mostly red sauce. Looking over at her she notices me staring at the bowl, her shoulders shrugging a bit as she eats.

"You need more protein than me" she states rather plainly, a smirk returning as she blows me a kiss. "Aren't I a considerate girlfriend" she giggles, looking over at my unlocked phone and the photo album on the screen. Following her gaze I find the app had scrolled back up as we had put it down, the images now ranging from the rock climbing trip to the hospital and the immediate aftermath.

"Still can't believe you did that" Cass scoffs, rolling her eyes as she pokes at her scarred lip with her tongue. "I had such a pretty face until then" she laughs, poking out her tongue as I freeze up.

"I..." I blurt out, a mouthful of pasta threatening to tumble out as Bunny quickly clamps our hand over my lips. 

"Well yeah..." Cass chuckles, her head now getting involved in the eye roll. "I was perfectly happy pretending to be straight, dating... of what the fuck was his name? Mark Green!" she jokes, pausing for a moment before snapping her fingers excitedly as she recalls the young man she had 'dated' in high school.

She glances at the photo of us together, the grinning faces filling the frame as we stand in front of the immense cliff face. She wriggles her nose slightly, crinkling it up as the bend flexes slightly before easing back out.

"But nooooooo..." she laughs, kicking my lightly as she prods at my thigh over and over again in mock anger. "You had to get all strapped up in that stupid harness, you had to joke about how great your ass looked, you had to go first so I had to stare up at your stupid butt the whole way up" she chides, pouting at me playfully. "So it's absolutely your fault that I didn't hear about that stupid overhang when we went to shift across..." she huffs, pursing her lips before grinning at me.

"... Least you could do is let me touch that stupid butt and stick around with me for-ev-er. I mean, who would even want me now?" she laughs, reaching over to pat my thigh.

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