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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Reverse Hopper, Reversed Fortunes - Part Three

I open the driver's side door, hopping out quickly as I lurch and stumble on the uneven cobblestone. I hear a voice scream in shock as I appear from behind the dumpster, the cry quickly being followed by my world spinning as I'm brought to the ground along with the utter stranger.

"S... sorry..." I croak, groaning a little as I feel my arm pressing against their shoulder while my other hand rests grazed against the stones beneath me. As I try to stand I feel my arm tug on something, the feeling of their warm skin against mine pulling painfully as though we were super glued together.

"I... oh..." the voice mutters as her words catch in her throat. Leaning back I look down as I find myself staring at a bespectacled skinny and short woman in her late teens with long black hair pulled back into a thick braid, her large and heaving bust pooling to the sides of her petite torso. 

A set of pale icy blue eyes look up at me in shock, her delicate jaw hanging open as she begins to hyperventilate.


Her black hair shines with a layer of sweat and grease, the thick and heavy braid holding it back reaching down to her lower back and likely had gone without a wash since it was put in. Her complexion is mighty pale, the face lacking much in the way of make-up but reflecting a slight sheen of some basement dweller. A set of flimsy metal wire-frame glasses magnify her eyes, the sparkling motes of icy blue beginning to water as she looks up at me.

A tight white t-shirt clings to her terribly petite and pathetically weak frame, her bony arms and pelvis poking through the cheap cotton. The flimsy fabric however looks stretched and strained over a set of unrestrained breasts, each threatening to be as big or even bigger than the young woman's head. It was hard to tell however, the weight of the fatty mounds and the effect of her laying on her back causing the practical udders to sag and seek refuge off the sides of her dainty torso.

Her lower half is covered by a long airy cream colored skirt, the hem stitched with embroidered birds as it dangles around her ankles. A set of tiny and heavily work black sneakers set on her feet, the immense wear and tear letting the world know just how old these nearly half a decade old shoes were.

"No... No no... nonnononono..." she squeaks, her voice quiet and meek despite her quickly building panic. Her right hand slaps around beside her, her dainty slender fingers soon clutching at a paper bag resting by her waist.

As I try to pull away again we both hiss in pain, my eyes going wide as I recoil back down on reflex and find my arm even further adhered to her exposed shoulder. The young woman quickly pulls a large bottle of pills from the bag, her left hand heaving over as I'm dragged along with the movement in her shoulder.

Twisting the cap off Im met with the sight of hundreds of tiny red pills, the girl quickly snatching some out and tossing them into her mouth.

"Come on... come on... please please please please..." she whimpers, a loud gasp soo escaping her lips as a heaving crack comes from the limb pinned to her shoulder. I nearly vomit as I watch my forearm snap at the wrist, the long section of bone leading up to my elbow twisting down through our conjoined flesh as it buries itself into her.

My hand soon follows suit, the tiny bones and tendons draining away into the tiny nerd as my right arm looks like an empty sack of skin from the elbow down.

"What the fu..." I begin to wheeze, another series of stomach churning slurps cutting me off as my upper arm begins to slosh down the tube of skin connected to the girl. I watch as she squirms, the bones and muscles twisting and quivering beneath her skin as her right arm begins to painfully bulge and distort.

In a frenzy she quickly begins to kick off her shoes, her left hand darting down as she tugs the long skirt down to reveal her slightly prickly pale legs and a set of plain bulk-purchased black panties.

"What are... " I begin to call out, my jaw snapping open as I collapse to my side. Muscles and tendons throughout my right side begin to worm and wriggle their way towards the drooping pale flesh that was once my right arm, my mouth soon forcing itself open under its own weight as the muscles around it seep out.

"Not again... not again..." the young woman huffs, her left hand moving to help tug her plain white top up her tight waist and torso as her massive breasts come into view. The crazy young woman doesn't seem to care that I'm staring at the massive sloshing chest beside me, my gaze locked to the pale skin and ghostly nipples pointing to the sky. She barely manages to pull her top off her right arm in time, the usually rake-thin limb snapping and bulging as my own bones and muscle begin to fill the far smaller space along with her own.

My jaw and my ribs soon begin to collapse into individual bones, the chunks of my skull and torso draining away as I watch the young woman's body writhe and bulge beside me. Unable to speak or really even move I'm left to merely watch the process, my vision blurring and my head pounding as I feel my skull begin to warp and shift beneath my skin.

Blacking out for a moment, I come to with the worst headache I could have imagined. My skull pounds under an intense pressure, the folds of my brain squeezing and rubbing against something else residing inside my skull. I let out a garbling series of grunts, a mixture if two voices escaping my lips as I feel my whole body twitch and quiver beneath me.

I feel like I'm going to explode, the skin around me pulled tighter than I ever though possible as two sets of lungs pant for air and two hearts hammer off-time in a complete panic. With a loud wet slurp I feel something begin to pull into my shoulder, a warm and fleshy sheet of empty skin rapidly tugging itself into my shoulder from the inside out.

As the last of the errant skin vanishes into me I feel my whole body convulse and quiver, the immensely bloated and distorted form writhing on the cobble stone alley as I feel the socks around my feet and the underwear on my crotch tear under the increased bulk.

With a pained gasp I feel my bones fuse in my feet, the skin compressing around me as the pressure builds for one terrible moment before vanishing entirely. The ripple slowly moves up through my body, my legs shrinking and my muscles vanishing in-lieu of a set of delicate twitching limbs. I gag as I feel my cock buckle under the assault, my once mighty organ disintegrating before vanishing entirely into a tiny little nub and slit beneath my legs.

As my torso shrinks, narrowing along with my waist, my chest merely changes in consistency. It grows softer and the muscle and bones wither within, the weight of the new mounds knocking the air from my lungs. Rib after rib fuses into a cramped little cage, the tight compact space soon forcing the two sets of lung and hearts together as the alley fills with a combined gasp.

"N...N..." a tongue lashes and gurgles inside my own mouth, something wet rubbing against me eyes as the world blurs. The grunts and gargles soon die down, the two tongues inside my mouth fusing and melding into one as I feel my jaw and skull begin to crackle and pop with constant movement. My vision blurs terribly, flashes of light and spots forming in my field of view as the sloshing inside my skull suddenly grows unbearable.

Soft and supple brain matter is compressed against itself, my thoughts growing heavy and unfocused as it feels like I'm about to lose myself for a moment before suddenly everything snaps back into focus and a sense of calm.

"Ow..." I groan, my blood running nearly as cold as the stones beneath me as I hear to soft and meek voice escaping my lips. The world around me is a blur, a massive set of weights on my chest and my sweaty unwashed skin all work together to leave me feelings completely disoriented.

"He..." a soft coo slips from my throat, the pathetic wheeze being barely audible and certainly not made by me. "He...p" the voice croaks, my skin crawling and pathetically weaken muscles quivering as it feels as though they are trying to move on their own.

I sit up with a groan, my arms shaking as I brace against the ground, the weights on my chest suddenly shifting as I'm nearly dragged forward by the intense back breaking heft. Pale squishy flesh fills the lower portion of my vision, the blurred mess growing slightly worse the closer they are to me.

"I... what hap..." I begin to blurt out, wincing as I hear the voice again and my head throbs terribly. The sight of slender bony pale legs stretching out beneath me leave my heart racing in my chest, the shaking delicate hands and arms holding me up only making things worse. Finally I spot a set of glasses on the ground, the strange bottle of pills the girl had been choking down sitting next to them.

Reaching over I grab the glasses, a loud squeal escaping my lips as I brush my heaving chest with my upper arm as the limb sinks into the pliant and flabby flesh. Swallowing hard I snatch the glasses and the bottle, placing the former on the bridge of my nose as I hold up the bottle.

"In... Guard..." I mutter, my eyes going wide as my stomach sinks. "Reverse..." I begin to squeak, my skin crawling sudden as it feel as though it is growing taut. The tension bubbles out from my stomach, the flat pale belly rumbling as a dull tugging is soon followed by a dull warmth as things seem to relax.

"How man... Why did you..." I huff, slowly stumbling up onto my feet as I stare down at the the bundles of clothes on the ground. Shivering in the alley I quickly snatch up the loose flowing skirt, tugging it up over my legs as I bring it up to my waist. The white shirt is another matter, the long greasy braid and my prodigious bust making it far more difficult to tug and fidget into place.

"Fuck... fuck shit..." I whimper, squatting down as I bundle up my empty clothes into my arms. I look back and forth, my gaze darting between either end of the long alley in search of some sort of help.

"Ho..." my throat rumbles, the young woman trying to speak as I wear her like a cheap suit. "Ho...m..."she croaks, my eyes watering a little as the girl begins to cry. "Ho...m... He...p"

"Okay okay..." I squeak, stumbling into the sneakers as I slide them onto my delicate feet. "Home... got it... where is..." I stammer, my heart pounding so hard I can feel it inside my head.

"E...ft..." the young woman huffs, quickly causing me to pivot around as I stagger and stumble across the uneven cobblestones. I try to keep my mouth as close to closed as possible, giving the girl the best odds to say what she needs as we go.

"Igh...igh...t..." she huffs as we reach the street, my body wheeling about as I nervously begin my trek home to... wherever that was.

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