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Mental-Verse - Prologue

Shuffling up the stairs towards my apartment I can't help but rub at my eye, the numbness in the left side of my slowly wearing off as d...

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Re:The Body Shop - Part Two

With a snap of her fingers her face brightens up, her eyes going wide as if struck by an epiphany.

"That's it!" she calls out, her fingers clicking over and over as she points towards a distant rack with her other hand. "That one! Yes yes to the left, you can hoist him up... Oh..." she states, pausing for a moment before looking back to me.

"Sorry, just realized where to stock that old body of yours" sh explains, waltzing towards me as I feel myself slowly get placed back down atop one of the many wooden boxes stacked around the storefront. She looks away from a second, giving a nod to one of her many helpers before musing to herself once more.

Musing for a moment, poking and prodding at the inside of her mouth with her tongue in thought, the witch finally pipes up to announce "I'd say your trade-in is...a... Eight out of Ten." With a loud thud I listen as a series of foot falls suddenly turn face, the bodies that had been dragging my old frame away suddenly stopping before shuffling closer towards the front of the shop.

"Oh don't be such drama queens" the witch sighs, rolling her eyes as her helpers move towards us. "Tall and hung, those are definitely worth something. He's also not that old, and... well we simply don't get much male stock coming through."

I stare up at the witch for a moment, my mouth falling open as my lips move without a single word. Catching the movement the older woman glances over to me, shrugging her shoulders a little as I hear a curtain begin to be drawn back.

"I would be pleased to be considered a rarity" she cackles, glancing up towards one of the more seemingly intelligent bodies before pointing towards me. "I mean otherwise I'd be giving you something closer to a four or five, instead you're getting something..."

My eyes go wide as a set of hands clasp either side of my head, a set of padded fingerless gloves resting against my cheeks as I'm soon lifted up into the air. My eyes dart around as I try to see just who had picked me up, my vision only catching the occasional sight of a slender lightly tan finger or two holding my head firmly.

With a subtle bounce I feel myself lurch forward, my silent shouts of shock seemingly amusing the witch to no end.

"Something like Bunny there" she laughs, walking over towards one of the now open curtains with a series of shaking steps. "She's a real big help though, I'd hate to see her go, so let's start with..." she mutters, reaching out to a series of straps before sliding it down towards the end of the rack.

The slender and relatively short pale and freckled body lurches forward with a sickening crack, it's thin and rather unimpressive arms and legs snapping forward with inertia before slumping back down lifelessly. The body itself would only stand around five foot five feet tall with a head placed between its narrow and delicate shoulders, the rack being high enough to keep its black and white sneaker covered feet dangling off the ground.

Her body is draped in a plain white drop shoulder shirt and an oversized light blue button up, the loose clothing revealing a slight dotting of freckles on her modest chest and shoulders. A set of tight black jeans cling and adhere to her legs like a second skin, the denim outlining her tight pert ass and flared hips.

"This is our 'Girl Next-Door" the witch announces, grabbing the limp and lifeless body's shoulder before giving it a little shake. "A little shorter than some of the other offerings we have in this range, taller than others too, but it's barely got any kilometers on the clock and she's just such a darling little..." the witch begins to pitch, pausing with a pursing in her lips as she catches me cocking an eyebrow at the relatively normal body being considered an eight out of ten.

Pouting slightly the witch's fingers pluck at the young woman's white top, her eyes looking up and away as she tries to find the right words.

"Youth is worth... quite a bit..." she muses, running her free hand down the side of her disproportionately youthful form. "Though you're right, it she's a little on the plain side of things to be this highly rate... at first glance" the witch muses, her hand reaching back towards the light blue shirt before slowly tugging it off the young woman.

"She's only been here a few days" the witch chuckles, waving the top around in the air before throwing it over the 'Girl Next-Door's shoulder. "That and her rather... unimpressive personality has left her a little more of a blank slate than most of the more... personality filled stock that we have on..."


With a whipping of her head the witch lunges backwards, her hands snatching at two of the other bodies on the 'Eight' rack before motioning for for assistant bodies to hold them out. One appears to be the same age as the 'Girl Next-Door', though the small tag around her neck reveals she is a year older, while the other rather tan young woman is instead in her early twenties.

The younger of the two appears just slightly taller than the first body, her own pale skin appearing flawless in comparison to the freckled complexion of the 'Girl Next-Door'. Her body is likewise rather slender, with delicate arms and legs hanging limply from her torso, though these are where the similarities come to an end. Her chest bulges from within what was once a loose tank top, the heaving squishy pale bust tenting out the flimsy fabric as her flat tummy and narrow waist sits on full display.

Her broad hips are wrapped in a set of tight pale blue jean shorts, the rough and worn denim sitting practically painted onto her thick ass and hand-hold worthy hips.

The woman in her early twenties appears to have stood at around five foot six before she gave up her body, the fit young frame dangling from the rack in a rather exposed state. She is clad in a warm and fairly well tanned complexion, the healthy glow being more than visible thanks to the rather small bikini clinging to her curvy bombshell of a frame.

Her chest sags ever so slightly in the tight red fabric cups that strain to hold back the overflowing shelf of flesh, the thin strings pulling taut as her tan bust spills over the sides of her chest in a brilliant display of side-boob. Her slender waist gives way to a wide and overly generous set of hips adorned with a series of splayed out red strings, each of the slender lines adorned with a little bow as they hold yet another piece of red fabric to her crotch and over her plump juicy rear.

"These are..." The witch begins to muse, adjusting her glasses before snickering at the names on the two women's labels. "Seems it's 'Beach Babe' and... 'Stacked Slut'..." she states with a playful and taunting tone. "I suppose you can guess which is which."

I watch as the witch shuffles between the two young women, her right hand reaching out as the left shakes and shudders at her side. With a shake of her shoulder her left arm surges forward to join the right, reaching up to grab the orange top and one of the red straps of the bikini top.

With a yank the woman appears to try to either disrobe the bodies or cause some kind of wardrobe malfunction, my eyes going wide for a moment before a wave of confusion sweeps across my face. The two bodies lurch and shake as their clothing is yanked and pulled, their skin being pulled along with the fabric adorning it as though the two were glued together.

"The longer they stay in my stock the more this happens" the witch mumbles, letting go of the clothing before wiping her hands against her robes. "That and if they have a more prominent personality. These two would easily be tens or at least nines, but with these... Interesting lingering traits they've been pushed down to an eight..."

As the pale stacked young woman jostles back in place I watch as something falls from her back pocket, my eyes going wide at the sight of the torn and empty condom wrapper tumbling to the floor before it begins to shake slightly against the wooden floorboards.

"Maybe she should have been a seven..." the Witch sighs, watching as the tiny wrapper flutters back up slowly before sliding into the woman pocket as if being pulled inside by some unseen strings.

With a loud crash our attention is drawn to the sight of two bodies sprawled out on the floor, their arms and legs flailing wildly in search of purchase as two more headless attendants rush over to help them up.

"Oh there's one of our more mobile eights" the witch exclaims, pointing at the caramel toned bombshell being pulled to her feet. Dressed in a white ruffled blouse that strains over her enormous bust, the buttons splaying out as her frilly purple bra sits barely in view, along with a tight pencil skirt and sheer stockings she stands at around five foot seven feet tall being aided by a small set of black heels.

Her thighs and hips stain at the dark gray skirt, her stance quickly shifting as she stands alone. Her wide hips pop to the side, a slender hand with long black pointed nails resting on her hip as she begins to idly sashay and strut confidently around the shop. A pair of two attendants chase after her, spinning the curvaceous Spanish woman around as I'm left with my gaze locked to her juicy ass jiggle with each step away from me.

"Not young..." the owner mutters, smirking as she turns back to face me. "A little younger than your old one, not by much though, but you couldn't pay to have the 'Spicy Senorita's level of natural confidence" the witch continues, watching as the woman struts around the store with a set of panicky bodies trying to keep her from colliding with anything.

"Or perhaps..." the witch muses, thumbing through the rack before pausing at one of the bodies. With a slight heave she shes a series of jostling and jiggling bodies forward, revealing a gorgeous and ghostly pale form clad loosely in a cherry blossom patterned bathrobe.

My eyes lock to the young woman's large perky bust, the massive squishy mounds thankfully remaining largely covered by the robe practically glued to her skin. Based on the slight glimpse of her supple thigh and flared hips it does not appear as though she had been wearing any underwear, her delicate yet busty form merely covered poorly by in the soft and thin robe.

"... You're more interested in the orient" the witch says with a cackle, catching my gaze as I strain to look away from the young woman's bust. "She really earned the name 'Japanese Jewel' didn't she" the with muses, flicking the tag around the five foot five woman's neck. "Great model, literally was her profession... unfortunately" she sighs, biting at her lip. "Would have been a ten easily if she didn't have such strict professional obligations like..."

A loud crash echos through the room, this one sounding far more destructive than a mere collision between bodies. I find myself whipping around as Bunny twists around to look at the source of the noise, a collapsed pile of wooden creates sitting in various states of damage. Laying beside it rests a short and curvy young woman in her very early twenties, her weak arms straining against the floor pathetically as she tries to push herself back up.

"That's it!" snaps the witch, raising her hand as a faint blue light flickers into existence at the tip of her index finger. "I've told you to STOP... DOING..." the witch howls in fury, the short and curvy headless body flailing wildly as it scrambles to its feet.

Standing at only an inch or two over five feet tall, the pale yet yet so slightly caramel-toned form staggering and stumbling across the room appears to have come straight from a night out. Her shrunken frame is covered in a fish-net body suit, covering her thick juicy thighs and slender arms in a layer of criss-crossing black lines. A tiny shiny black skirt sits fairly high up her thigh, the latex or glossy fake leather material fluttering as the bottom of her large jiggly ass checks peeks out the bottom with each of her frenzied movements.

Her bountiful and perky chest bounces with each panicked step, her tight black top amount to little more than a simple band of fabric with a zipper in the front slowly coming undone as her bust bounces and jiggles the frail zipper. 

"Stupid 'Exotic E-Girl' that little..." the witch huffs, tracking the scrambling young body before slowly lowering her hand. "Ever since she started thinking she's been an absolute menace, maybe I shouldn't have made her so..." the owner mutters, pausing in thought as she looks to me and then to the rack beside us labelled 'Eight'. "You know what... with the fact she's become a complete brat, and the fact that cunt is all over the... She's an eight now. Say the word and she's..."

I feel my head get shaken a little, my whole self being forced to shake from side to side in a feigned 'No'. The witch's eyes narrow behind her glasses, her eyes shifting to body holding me with a smirk before she purses her lips disapprovingly.

"Don't answer for him" the witch sighs disapprovingly, the hands shaking slightly at the admonishment. I feel myself suddenly get pulled back, the back of my head pressing between a set of soft and yielding pillows that raise and fall with deep soothing breathes. The witch snaps her fingers as another body, that of a short and doughy tan woman dressed in a set of overalls plod up along side her.

"Please take that beloved customer from 'Gym Bunny' would you?" the witch asks, the tone beneath her bubbly valley girl voice making it sound more like a command. The pudgy body quickly steps up, placing her hands atop my head and below my jaw as she tries to pull me free from the other body's gloved grip.

After a brief struggle, the witch merely barks out the word "Drop!" as I quickly feel the padded gloves relinquish their grip on my cheeks. "Good girl" the witch coos softly, the vision spinning around as I'm made to face 'Bunny'.

Lightly tan and extremely fit, the young woman in her early or mid-twenties stands fidgeting nervously as her hands slowly move to hide behind her tapered waist. Standing easily at around five foot seven or eight her athletic physique is on full display, thick muscular thighs strain against a set of pale brown yoga shorts while her firm biceps flex as her strains with her arms behind her. Her large chest is squashed back tightly by a supportive white sports bra, a black trim running around the straining fabric matching the black swooping logo resting just under her generous bust.

Shimmying nervously I catch a glimpse of her taut and tight ass checks filling out the back of her yoga shorts, the thick rear looking delightfully firm thanks to the powerful muscles laying beneath.

"She's taken a shine to you" the witch cackles, shaking her head slightly. "And you're in luck, she just got moved up into being an eight. Not as young as some of the others, but she is rather striking and healthy" the witch muses, watching as the headless gym lover seems to melt with embarrassment.

"And... with this new personality of hers I'd wager she'd even help to keep up with her... gym... routine?" the witch mumbles, unsure of how to describe the additional feature of the body. I watch as the body seems to give a slight nod with her slender neck, a short thumbs up coming from her gloved hands before they dart back behind her nervously.

"I'm certain I have some more you may be interested in around here somewhere" the owner mutters, glancing around at the many shuffling bodies and busy assistants racing around the long and narrow storefront. With a shrug of her shoulders she glances back down to me.

"So valued customer, do you have any thoughts?"

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