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Mental-Verse - Prologue

Shuffling up the stairs towards my apartment I can't help but rub at my eye, the numbness in the left side of my slowly wearing off as d...

Saturday 1 June 2024

Mastered PC - Part Four

My stomach sinks as I spy my bony yet rather plain hips, the fairly narrow pelvis leaving me with a rectangular build.

"It's... It's gone..." I squeak with a long pained wheeze, my hand shuddering as I try to work up the courage to reach down towards the flat section of clingy cotton between my legs. In a rush the memories all start to flood back, between finding the Master PC program and finding the fighting women in my apartment.

"Those... They..." I blubber erratically, my heart rate spiking as I feel it practically lodge in my throat. My hands shift to the sheets beneath me, my knuckles turning white as I grip the sheets with as much intensity as I can muster. My mind races as I continue to simply stare down at my lanky pale limbs and bobbing bust, the subtle teardrops shifting with each gasping breath.

"I... I need to..." I begin to blurt out, only to clam up as I hear the doorknob jostle and shake.

With a short squeak I pull up the blanket as the door swings open, my frightened gaze falling on a shy and pale dark haired young man creeping in with a hand behind his back. 


My mouth hangs open as I stare at the young man with wide eyes, my cheeks flushing and my heart fluttering in my chest like a panicked humming bird. My lips tremble as I choke back a whimper, the warmth spreading through me quickly being met with a damp heat rising between my spread legs.

The young man's hair hangs about his face and down to a little past his ears, the terribly messy deep dark brown strand standing on end and spreading out in a horrid case of bed head. A set of muddy hazel eyes look at me intently, the young man's gaze darting briefly to my modest chest as he flashes a smile that practically melts me like butter. His facial hair isn't all there, the scraggly stubble likely being as far as it will grow before becoming a bit of a mess.

His slender and unimpressive frame is on full display, his five foot nine frame lacking much muscle or fat and instead being just a little bit plain. His complexion is at least healthy, with a faint tan covering his face and arms evidencing at least a little but of time in the sun. While lacking a shirt the young man is a least thankfully wearing a pair of navy blue boxers, my own gaze soon locking to the growing bulge beneath the cheap cotton as I find myself swallowing hard at the sight.


"I think mom and dad are out. Looks like we have the house to ourselves this weekend" the young man chuckles nervously, quickly walking back towards the bed with a bit of a skip as cold wooden floor bites at him.

Love, deep and passionate love courses through my mind as I stare at the man completely dumbstruck. My brain feels like its short circuiting, my ability to think and reason yielding to a storm of hormones and a new set of programed feelings. The butterflies in my stomach abate for a moment as it hits me, a croaking voice escaping my lips as I remember just what Gracie had typed into the damned computer.

"Ke... Kevin?..." I blubber, my voice coming out far softer and sweeter than it had before the man had made his appearance.

"I know I know..." he says, rolling his eyes as he clambers onto the bed. "You promised to help... what's her name again? That professor from the AP class" he asks, taking the covers from me as he slides under them and alongside me.

"Fiona! Ms Connors" I say breathlessly, my own tongue betraying me as I find it impossible to speak about Fiona in a more familiar manner.

"Yeah, her!" Kevin chirps, the young man wrapping an arm around my waist as he slides closer and closer still. "I was thinking... once you're done there and if mom and dad are still out then maybe you could..." he begins to mutter, drawing in until his face in mere inches from my own.

With an almost pained hiss I lean in, lurching over and crashing the two of us down into the bed as I press my body against his own. His arms wrap around me, my soft and supple chest squishing up against him as I wrap a leg around his and press against his thigh. A moaning gasp slips out as I feel a hand begin to kneed and paw at my pert tight rear, the singular moan turning to a long series of whimpers as I begin to pathetically grind against the man beside me.

My head swims in the heady scent of sweat and the warmth flooding my shrunken form, the daze however not being enough to make the sudden shift as Kevin rolls on top of me. I lean forward as Keven breaks the sloppy and wet kiss, another pathetic whimper following as I desperately yearn for it to continue.

I wriggle and writhe beneath the young man, my hips bucking as my hands run along his back and weakly try to pull him back towards me. Kevin pants for a moment as he catches his breath, his eyes darting down beneath the covers and at my wriggling body before he pulls a hand up with a couple of condoms in hand.

"I..." he begins to mutter, another nervous chuckle slipping out as he looks at the condoms. "I think my sister left these before moving out... I think they're still..." he tries to explain, only to end his sentence with a gasp as I lean up and begin to suck his neck.

With a giggle I release the man from his impending hickey, biting at my lip as I quickly begin to slide my panties down around my slender thighs. Kevin breathles begins to tear into one of the small sealed packets, fumbling over and over as he finally pulls to lubricated latex and reaches down beneath the blanket.

"Fuck..." I wheeze, my eyes going wide as I stare past the man and into the mirror. Crimson faced and panting for breath, I stare at the oddly familiar young woman in the mirror. Suddenly, my eyes go wide along with my reflection as I feel something slick and hard prod clumsily at my crotch. A long drawn out moan slowly creep from my throat as I feel the throbbing head find its mark, Keven thrusting gently as my eyes begin to roll into my skull.

Shuddering and quivering on the bed I slump back, my head hitting the pillows as I lean over to bite at the cover. My whimpering cries build, thankfully muffled by the pillow, as the young man slowly pushes further and further inside me. It feels strange and artificial, the latex wrapped throbbing rod slowly filling me up in a way that I struggled to really comprehend.

The air is knocked from my lungs as Keven withdraws before slamming his full length back inside of me, my back arching as I'm rocked with a wave of pleasure. As Kevin slowly finds his pace he leans down, resting his torso atop me before beginning to kiss and nibble at my neck. The teasing is all it takes to push me over the edge, my whole body shuddering as I let out one loan squealing moan and dig my nails into Kevin's back.

The wave of pleasure does not abate, the young man simply driving into my aching pussy harder and faster as his own breath grows short. Shaking beneath Kevin I soon find my legs twitching and body quaking as another building wave crashes down onto my pathetic whimpering form. As my cries of pleasure fill the house I feel Kevin Press as deeply into me as he can, a low grunt soon following as I feel his cock twitch deep inside me.

Staring up at the ceiling I struggle to focus my vision, sweat and hair partially blinding me as I gasp hungrily for air. I wince as I feel the once thick and rock hard cock inside me begin to shrink away, the withering dick soon sliding out with a wet pop as Kevin rolls over.

"Did... did you..." Kevin pants, winded after the short tryst between the sheet. "You know... Cum?"

It had only been a minute or two, if even that. However, despite his lack of stamina my body seemed more than compatible with his own. Once? Twice? It was hard to tell, a simple "Uh huh..." being all that I can mutter as I weakly shift beneath the sheet.

Rolling my head to the side I twist to look at the mirror, my gaze falling on the sight of a sweaty young woman with a dazed look in her eyes and a delighted grin spread across her face. It take a moment to register who I was even looking at, the smile vanishing with a squeak as I bring a hand to my mouth.

Suddenly, a rattling comes from deeper in the house as the sound of heavy stomping around soon follows.

"Kevin!" cries the familiar voice of Gracie, her shouting sounding exhausted and almost out of breath. "Kev! Are you home!? You with anyone!?"

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