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Mr Marigold's Magician's Box - Part Two

After a short pause he flicks his wrist, producing the purple ticket I had place in the door before repeating the motion as it vanishes aga...

Monday 14 October 2024

Re:The Body Shop - Part Six

Bunny slowly begins to creep us nervously around the edge of the house, the engine suddenly dying down as the loud clunk of a car door opening soon follows. Boots hit the dirt, a series of steps soon following as a voice calls out.

"Babe!" shouts the voice I had heard on the radio. "Good work on the pile, but can you give me a hand with the shopping, I'm soooooo not making it in one trip" she calls out, her use of the word 'babe' causing Bunny to jump a little.

I'm slowly brought around the edge of the cabin as I hear the back of the car ease open, the rustling of plastic bags soon following along with a series of quiet muttering. Looking around the corner I'm met with the sight of a fairly fit redhead with her hair tied back into a ponytail, her uniform fitting perfectly over her athletic frame.


Her rough and relatively messy ginger hair is tugged into a loose ponytail by the flax colored cap atop her head, the brim facing outward to give her some sun protection with a small little stitching of trees and the words 'Pine Gorge National Park' embossed on the front. Her hair appears to have been untrimmed in some time, the long red strands reaching down to just beneath her shoulders in an uneven mess of split ends.

A set of greenish hazel eyes shift back and forth over the open truck of the large jeep, her soft pink lips moving as he counts and mutters to herself. Her complexion of colored with a warm and healthy tan, her prominent high cheek bones along with her delicate yet slightly bent and scarred nose quickly catching my attention. I quickly notice another little silvery mark in her skin, a slight barely horizontal line tracing across the tan flesh above and below her upper and bottom lip in line with the bend in the bridge of her nose.

While not quite as tall as me she stands at just shy of five foot seven, the thick and rather hardy leather boots on her feet doing some work to bolster her size. Her top clings to her fit and athletic frame, not muscular like mine yet still extremely healthy made most likely due to simply being physically active rather than active effort. The top itself is flax colored much like her hat, the heavy button up short featuring the same logo as her hat along with a little stitched name beneath it.


A set of form fitting black jeans cover her slender legs, tight calves and thighs stretching at the denim as a variety of hand-sewn patches and repairs are tested with each movement. Her flared hips wriggle a little as she begins to fish bags out of the back of the car, her tight pert rear bouncing ever so slightly in the back of her jeans as she wriggles about.

As Bunny and I step out from around the cabin a loud crunching beneath our boot fills the clearing, a fragile stick snapping underfoot as I feel Bunny jump with surprise. The redhead suddenly looks up, a smirk spreading across her lip as she blows a few errant strands of hair out of her face.

"There you are" she chuckles, her voice sounding a little more husky and warm than it had over the crackling electric whine of the radio. "Get your butt over here, I kinda went overboard and I'm not making two trips while you've got some spare hands" she chuckles, leaning back into the back of the jeep as she begins to slip the handles of various white plastic bags over her arms.

Bunny is practically shaking as we round the vehicle, my eyes going wide as I look over the shopping. Tightly packed bags and old fruit boxes sit as compactly as they can in the limited space, the various boxed items and canned goods making it relatively easy to slot things in together in tessellating patterns. Bags full of protein and nut bars along with other long life foods and grains are quickly tugged onto the redheads arms, the lighter items simply hanging from her as she moves to grab at some larger bags of rice and flour for simple carbs.

"Those..." she chuckles, pointing to a series of stacked fruit boxes. "... are yours. Getting them to the car was a bitch and a half, you can take them the rest of the way."

Looking down I cock an eyebrow, my gaze shifting up and down the tower of boxes and the slightly obscured contents within. Carton after carton of long life shelf stable milk sit piled high along with huge cans of 'nicer' instant coffee. The boxes seem to strain under the weight, the handles in the cardboard on the side already tearing after the redhead likely rushed them out of the store. My eyes go wide as I spot a poorly hidden layer in the box tower, dozens of boxes of cheap boxed red wine layer between a section of other more typical fruit juices.

"That's a...: I begin to mutter, pausing as a feel a hand playfully grab my chin and guide my face down a little. My eyes go wide as the redhead plants a firm kiss on my lips, a cooing muffled moan slipping from her mouth as she slowly and with no small amount of practice slips her tongue past my own.

My knees begin to go weak, my heart racing as Bunny panics and our hands quiver unsure as to what they should be doing. the kiss however doesn't last long enough for Bunny to make up her mind, the redhead soon pulling back with a devilish grin.

"Like I told Dave, we're two ladies out in the middle of the wilderness" she coos, biting her lip as she eyes me up hungrily. "Come on, get that stuff inside and I'll get started on din..." she begins to state, pausing as her eyes go wide. "Wait!" she snaps, her hand flying down into her pocket as the bags shift violently.

After a few moments she retrieves a small little smart phone, the cheap device appearing to be wrapped in layers of protective casing and tempered glass. She holds it out to me with a shaking hand, the weight of the bags on her arm slowly taking their toll.

"Stop leaving this in the car or I swear to god..." she chuckles, rolling her eyes. "You'd really lose that head of yours if it was stuck to your shoulders" she jokes, a shiver quickly running up our shared spine as Bunny's insecurities take hold. 

Reaching out Bunny quickly takes the phone from the shorter young woman, the redhead seeming to read the change in body language as she leans up to plant a gentle peck on my cheek.

"It was just a joke honey..." she purrs in my ear, my knees shaking a little as a heat builds in my cheeks and somewhere far lower. "You know I love you anyway..." she continues, Bunny freezing a little for a moment before wriggling our hips a little gleefully.

The redhead quickly bounces back down as she nods to the remaining boxes in the back of the car. "Okay, that can go under the job board for now. I'll head in and get a start on dinner, just... make sure the grape juice is on top okay?" she chirps, huffing a little as she begins to make her way around the car and towards the cabin.

"I hope pastas okay? I wanna use the last of the old stuff before we put anyway anything new."

With the whine of the cabin door opening and closing coming from out of view I stare down at myself. My heart races, my have flushed as I feel Bunny squeeze our thighs together firmly. Our hand fidgets with the phone, the lock screen flickering on as it shows a picture of my smooth face smiling by a waterfall with the redhead grinning from ear to ear next to me.

"We're..." I mutter, looking down the nervous quivering mess that is my animated body. "Are you... did you like... women?" I ask quietly, my body quaking a little before giving me a little thumbs up. "So we have a... girlfriend I guess..." I muse, my heart skipping a beat as Bunny wriggles again happily before quickly stowing the phone in our jacket.

My vision whirls as Bunny hastily begins to unpack the car, the powerful young woman sliding the handles of the last few remaining bags along our padded jacket covered arms before dragging the boxes towards the lip of the truck. Squatting down, our legs flexing with thick powerful muscles, Bunny wraps our arms around the bottom box before heaving the tower up.

The breath is knocked from our lungs, my eyes going wide as I wheeze out the last of our shared breath. My arms begin to burn as my biceps and forearms take the strain, my shoulders flexing as my shoulder blades shift with muscles I didn't even know I had until now. Despite the obviously strain on my body everything still feels stable, like this weight was something I knew deep down I was more than capable of handling.

"Holy..." I wheeze, the air slipping from my lips as I feel Bunny take her first slow and careful steps. Our arms ease down lower as the tower slips down low enough for me to get my chin over it, the boxes squishing down on our chest beneath the jacket as I let out a little hiss at the pressure on our breasts. I place my chin on top of the boxes, hoping to hold everything in place at least a little as we climb the stairs.

As Bunny carefully inches in through the doorway, sidling in as she tries not to knock anything on the door frame, I hear the sound of wood crackling and breaking under the heat of a nearby flame. The redhead slowly stands up from the wood stove, a few new logs having been thrown on with a bit of kindling from the bucket.

"There..." Cassandra huffs as she closes the metal grate. "Now we won't freeze to death when the sun goes down."

I watch as she unbuttons the flax colored top, the fit redhead not caring in the slightest that I was in the room with her as she quickly begins to take off the extremely form fitting uniform. A small gray fabric sports bra holds her modest bust back, the tight supportive underwear making her look almost flat chested as it adheres to her pale torso.

My face burns red as she quickly begins to pull off the sweat bra as well, the young woman shimmying it up and over her head as a cute perky set of tits are freed and left to bounce in the open air. As she walks past, catching my reddened face in the periphery of her vision, she pokes out her tongue a little before bounding off towards the makeshift office.

"God you're so cute sometimes" she chuckles, walking over to her wardrobe. I shuffle towards the job board between the kitchen and the bathroom as I hear her pull out a drawer and shove it closed, the young woman soon waltzing out the room with a massive oversized black shirt that fits her more like a dress. In her mouth sits a black hair-tie, her hands weaving behind her head as she bundles up her hair before quickly looping it through the tie to make something between a bun and a pony tail.

As I place the boxes down I feel Bunny quickly grab the top few, sliding them off fro ma moment before retrieving the first slab of wine and rebuilding the tower with it on top. Bending over slightly I feel a hand slide of my plush soft rear, a palm giving it a playful pat before a tan hand quickly grabs one of the boxes of cheap red wine.

"Thanks honey" Cassandra coos, leaning against me as she snuggles in close. "Can always count of my big... strong... "she purrs, kissing at my neck as she inhales deeply at the scent of the pine and sweat on my skin. I feel as though I'm about to topple over, the panicky and dumbstruck Bunny practically quivering in our boots at the bouts of sudden affection.

Thankfully, Cassandra slowly retreats, wandering over to the kitchen with wine in hand. "Take a seat babe..." she calls out, slipping around into the alcove. "Looks like you've been on your feet all day."

Before long I find myself laying on the sofa, Bunny having stripped us down to just the form-fitting black shirt and our jeans as the warmth of the fire makes anything more simply uncomfortable. As the sound of the range-hood and gas stove rumble in the distance, I soon find a small yellow plastic cup filled to the brim with slightly sour and tannic red liquid being thrust into my hands.

The redhead smiles lovingly down at me as she clutches at her own lime green cup, her face turning to a wince as she sips at the beverage.

"Needs time to breathe" she coughs, clearing her throat. "Or lower standards" she chuckles, turning away to head back the the kitchen as the kettle begins to whistle with steam.

"Thanks babe!" I call out, my breathy voice shaking a little at the strangeness of calling a stranger by a pet name. I feel Bunny wriggle a little, balancing the cup carefully as she fishes out the phone from our pocket.

I lean in, sipping the sharp and acrid wine as I crinkle up my nose at the taste. Despite the poorly balanced and largely unpleasant flavor I keep sipping lightly at it, hoping that it would grow on me soon considering just how much Cassandra had purchased. As I slowly work on the wine, with a little help from Bunny tilting the cup as I go, she quickly moves to unlock the phone.

As the lock screen reappears it suddenly vanishes, the camera picking up my face in the warmly lit room as it takes up to a rather sparse and utilitarian home screen. Only a few notifications pop up, mostly a few emails from the National Parks Service including a fresh payslip and a bill for 'on-site accommodation'.

Opening up the pictures app I'm met with the sight of various pictures around the cabin and what seems to be the wilderness beyond. I cock my eyebrow a little as I stare at one of the more recent photos, a picture of myself standing on the freshly varnished deck. For a moment I couldn't place it, my lips pursing as I try to work out what the problem was.

"Is my hair..." I mutter, watching as Bunny places the phone down to reach up at my scalp. Thick lock of light brown hair fill the gaps in our fingers, the sweaty locks now reaching down to just below my ears. "... Longer..." I finish with a wheeze, Bunny rubbing my head playfully as she seems to enjoy the longer hair style.

As we return to the phone I spot a folder, my eyes going wide as I read the little tag.

"That one..." I whisper forcefully, Bunny flinching a little at my hushed words. "Bottom corner, it says 'Memories' there has to be something in..." I begin to explain, our fingers darting to open the folder as it quickly expands out.

While most of the picture on the default reel were obviously taken with the phone camera, those in the folder are far older. Some are simply scanned photos while others are more creatively archived, a pictures of other pictures sitting atop of dark dinning room table.

Scrolling through Bunny tries to find the bottom of folder, our shoulders wriggling giddily as we're met with the sight of an old baby photo of a brunette little girl. Bunny points at it before pointing back at my face, the happy wriggling growing more pronounced as she points at herself with glee.

"I know, I know..." I mutter, pouting a little as Bunny seemingly takes glee in the fact it seems we had always been like this now. "Can we move on?"

With a flick of our fingers she quickly begins to look for more pictures, pausing momentarily to revel in 'adorable' moments like a first birthday picture and first day of school. With each passing picture the image of a young girl seemingly a little taller than the rest of her peers begins to emerge, the passing of school photos and family outings soon ending as we land on something new.

Standing in a green top and shorts, a colored neckerchief running around her neck, the young brunette beams with braces covered teeth in the middle of a grassy field, standing beside her is an equally giddy girl with wild redhead who is smiling so wide that it seems to force her eyes closed. My eyes dart over to the kitchen, the sound of pots and pans banging against the stove top emanating from the alcove of the grown-up redhead sets about making dinner.

More pictures flutter by, play-dates between the brunette and the redhead and camping trips. The redhead doesn't appear in any school pictures however, the young woman only appearing in one school related picture for a sports day in an entirely different uniform than the brunette. Before long the two move onto high school, yet still their only shared school pictures are from external activities. The brunette continues to be taller than her peers for a while, slowly getting edged out by some of the boys as time goes on.

More camping trips, award ceremonies, and sporting events fill the reel of secondhand photos. As time passes the two seem more and more inseparable, with more than a few pictures showing them with arms wrapped abound each others shoulders or holding hands. Suddenly, something new breaks the cycle of sports, scouts, school, and what seems to be a first rock climbing trip.

The image shows the redhead, laying in a hospital bed with bandages across her face and plaster covering her nose. The teenager appears to have been crying for some time, her one revealed hazel eye puffy and red while the other is hidden beneath layers of loosely wrapped cloth. Bruising inches out from under the dressed, blood speckling the white smock and the top of her bed sheet.

Beside her sits the brunette, her blue eyes equally puffy and red from bawling as her green scouts top is stained with wet patches. She's grasping the redheads hand tightly, her whole body leaning over as she rests her head on the injured girl's shoulder.

The next few pictures are around the two's family homes, the redhead still with plaster and stitches holding parts of her face together while the brunette beams giddily next to her. The wild young redhead appears almost shy and nervous for once in the pictures, her face nearly as red and her ginger hair in the presence of the brunette.

After only a few more pictures the redhead is out of the plaster and stitches, her nose bending slightly and a firm series of scars dotting her lip and nose respectively. Gone is her old school uniform, the white top and plaid blue and red skirt now matching those of the brunette woman standing behind her with arms wrapped around the redhead's waist.

Dinners with the family, holidays together, a kiss beside a campfire in the moonlight. The rapid swiping of pictures soon comes to a small reversal of the two's roles. The taller brunette stands in a long ruffled red dress, her deeply crimson cheeks almost matching the material of her gown as the redhead stands beside her with an arm possessively around her waist. The redhead stands dressed in a suit, her red tie matching the dress beside her as she grins playfully at the camera.

Driving, dinner, and dancing soon follow as prom flashes by in an instant. Graduation, college, crappy dorm rooms and nights out with new friends quickly pass by as the two race through their lives in a series of blurry pictures. Camping, road trips, hikes and yet another graduation fly across the screen before the folder finally ends with a picture of an acceptance letter for a full-time position as a ranger at Pine Gorge.

"From besties to bed fello..." I begin to nervously chuckle, only for Bunny to pinch my cheek hard with our shared hand. "Ow ow owww..." I blubber softly, trying to keep my voice down as my body beneath me punishes my little quip.

Bunny seems to be melting at the little makeshift slide show, butterflies filling stomach as her squeezes our thighs together and writhes gently on the sofa. I watch as she exits out of the photos app, pulling up notes as she quickly begins to type with one hand.

"It's cute!" she snaps, a series of grumpy faced emojis soon following. With a drag of our thumb across the screen before deleting the text. "So romantic, soulmates <3 <3 <3" types again, squeezing our legs together and rolling a little as she kicks our legs happily over the arm of the couch.

"Yeah, our soulmate apparently" I mumble, sipping down the last of the wine as Bunny helps me drain the last dregs from the worn plastic cup. "We know her name and..." I muse, rattling off the very short list of things we actually knew about the woman cooking us dinner.

"And she looooooves us" Bunny excitedly types, clutching the phone to our soft squishy chest as she holds it over our heart. I can't help but pause as Bunny practically melts into our seat, the giddy form beneath me practically acting some some love struck school girl as she reveled in the idea of being 'loved' by even a total stranger.

Suddenly, I'm snapped from my thoughts as a set of footsteps begin to approach. Bunny too lurches at the sound, whipping around and deleting the last message before coming to sit more like a normal human being at the sound of clinking bowls.

"You okay sweetie?" Cassandra asks softly, two bowls of very simple fettuccine in a deep red sauce resting in her hands. Clutched to her chest by her arms sit the box of wine and the cup from earlier, the young woman obviously not one to let the drinks stay in the kitchen. "You look a little flushed..." she states, pausing fro a moment as Bunny reaches out to take the bowls from her. "Thanks, but if you're warm you can take your shirt off" she states, placing the cup and the box of wine on the coffee table before wriggling it over towards the sofa.

She smirks as she sits down, her lips forming into a devilish grin as she places her hands around my waist. Her fingers wrap around the bottom of my shirt, her warm hands slinking under the sweaty cotton as she begins to stroke my tight taut abs.

"I wouldn't complain... I promise" She coos, her hazel eyes looking into my own lovingly. Suddenly...

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