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Blog Update: Old Stories and E-Publishing

Hey there Lovelies, It's been a while since I posted my last blog update, that one being about potentially thinking of...

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

The Great Shift - Part Two

"For fucks..." I groan, stumbling back as I place my fingers to my temples. My head throbs and aches at ever more painful levels by the minute, the mere lack of coffee failing to explain the sudden mounting pain.

The heady throbs begin to ripple through my body as a whole, my six foot four frame suddenly buckling against the kitchen counter. Slow staggering breathes slowly slip from my lips, my head throbbing and aching as something new and foreign and new tries its best to force its way into the soft and supple gray matter within my skull.

"I..." I call out, my rapidly blurring vision becoming reddened from me as I find myself tumbling through a strange eclectic void. Start and frozen images and vignettes pass by as I find myself tumbling, the sudden twisting shift only lasting a matter of seconds.

With an uncomfortable and painful 'thud' I find myself pinned to my knees, my jaw forced open uncomfortably as something hot and throbbing sits resting in my throat. In a daze I let out a confused whimper, my soft and bubbly voice being muffled by the meaty shaft filling my mouth to the brim. My lips feel bloated, plumped and painted as they wrap around the oral intruder.

Bright red hair partially obscures my vision, a side fringe hanging over one eye while he other stares out at a mass of black pubic hair and designer dress pants. The scent of salt and sweat clings to my nostrils, my dainty and delicate nose flaring with each sharp and struggling breath.

I try to sit up, only to immediately smack the top of my head sharply against the painfully firm hardwood desk above me. The impact causes me to bite down slightly on the thick fleshy rod in my mouth, a pained yelp soon following as a gruff voice fills the room.

"What the..." the man groans, his hand reaching down as it quickly finds my head. My eyes go wide as I feel his fingers bunch up strands of my vibrant hair behind my head, the mans hand turning into a fist as he slowly pulls me back.

Rivulets of drool and spittle slide over he throbbing shaft, the girthy object slowly coming into view as I feel its sensitive head inch out of my throat and into my mouth. As I feel the pressure holding my jaw open slowly ease I take a sharp inhale, my mind roiling as I feel an intense weight jiggle and bounce on my chest with each heaving breath.

I catch a glimpse of movement as the man in the seat leans down and back, for a moment I think I catch a glimpse of icy blue eyes before I feel his hand begin to force me back onto his might dick. I squeal for a moment, only to have the girly noises silenced as I'm gagged with his pulsating and turgid cock. I try to stand, to shift away, only to find my legs bound in the extremely tight confines of a pencil skirt as my stocking covered knees dig into the carpeted floor.

Tears fill my eyes as I feel the head of the massive cock brush against the back of my throat, my eyes going wide as I feel not a single bit of any gag reflex as I lean forward to better angle the cock deeper into my throat.

With my chin resting on the man's balls, drool dripping from my plump cock-sucking lips, I feel his seat recline. For a moment I find myself staring up at the man, his short quaffed black hair and five o'clock shadow framing his firm and masculine features. He opens his mouth to say something, his eyes going wide as he grunts softly.

With a huffing squeal I feel his heavy balls begin to twitch, his cock soon mirroring the excitement as I feel my throat suddenly fill with ropes of disgustingly thick and pungent cum. The torrent seems never ending as it slowly pools down into my belly, a sense of nausea building as I feel the foul ooze begin to fill my empty stomach.

Red in the in the face and with tears in my eyes I eventually feel the twitching and pulsating of his cock begin to subside, the once painfully hard and rigid dick growing softer by the second. With a loud wet slurp the man pulls my head back, his cock soon falling from my lips as I splutter and wheeze.

My mouth is filled with the foul salty scent of the mans cum, a slight burp sending the scent of his seed up into my senses. Panting and gagging on the floor I begin to spit, huffing out dribbling droplets as the man wheels his chair back before standing up.

"Well..." he mutters in confusion. "This is certainly...different..."

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