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Blog Update: Old Stories and E-Publishing

Hey there Lovelies, It's been a while since I posted my last blog update, that one being about potentially thinking of...

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Lost Clinic - Part Two

As I step through the smashed in wall I tentatively approach the towering device, the shiny exterior catching the light of my torch and reflecting it back into my eyes. I jump with a start as a delightful tune crackles over a set of hidden speakers, the screen flickering to life as it lags its way through a Swap Clinic loading screen.

"Wel...come... toooooooo" the device crackles, the massive cylinder opening with a grinding hiss. "The Swap Clinic 'User Unknown'. Timesheet inaccessible... Update server inaccessible... Trait Bank inaccess... Partially accessible... Begin procedure?

Flinching at the harsh crackling coming from the speakers I watch as the dust covered touch screen finally flickers off the stuttering loading pinwheel. The interface shifts for a moment, freezing on what appears to be some crisp and clean corporate user interface before crashing as a series of folders and explorer windows pop onto the screen. 

Inching closer I spy the names of the folders, long strings of hyphens and numbers with the occasional word like 'hair' or 'chest'. Two large folders sit up the top, each apparently empty and numbered to always be easy to find.

'001. Input'

'002. Output'

As I stand by the device I tentatively begin to wipe the thick layer of accumulated dust from the screen, my gentle swiping sudden opening one of the many folders. I watch as the explorer window expands the folder out, revealing several files inside.




My heart catches in my throat as I spot the names of the files, the intent behind each slowly dawning on me. Suddenly, I watch as the screen flickers and the top option vanishes with the file being sent to parts unknown. Pausing for a moment, it doesn't take long for another flicker to cause the list to update again.




"This can't seriously..." I mutter, swallowing hard as I tap at the middle file on the screen. As my finger brushes against the smooth glass monitor I watch as '20230901_Cup_A' vanishes and the output folder suddenly shifts to show a new file having been placed within.

A low hum begins to fill the room, the warm tone soon becoming overwhelmed by the sound of grinding metal and screeching as the large metal cylinder begins to twist and shift. Slowly but surely the outer shell slides open to reveal the interior of the shiny metal chamber. Small glass domes line the interior from the ceiling to the floor, each flickering and emanating a soft dim light that almost hurts to look directly at.

Stepping around to the side of the screen I inch closer to the wide opening into the ominous device, my head slowly peeking in through the metallic doorway. The moment I feel myself shift over the threshold the machine's low hum suddenly building in intensity, some unseen force gripping me around my skull and holding me in place. In a panic I reach up, clutching at the sides of the doorway and attempting to heave myself out with all my might. For a moment it feels as though my head is about to pop clean off, however, as my fingers shift in an attempt to get a better grip I soon find my hands entrapped in the same vice-like grip.

My world spins as I feel myself get dragged into the chamber, the invisible force soon encasing my whole body and pinning me in place. Despite the terrifying sensation of being trapped, the force itself was almost soothing as it gently begins to squeeze and massage my chest.

"Selection... Selection made..." the machine croaks, the feminine computerized voice distorting through the aging speakers. "Toning... Follicle Treat... Commencing..." to tries to announce, the shifting tone of the voice making it seem as though it was simply skipping through its voice lines.

My chest begins to buzz, a static crackle spreading across my skin. It's almost numbing, the constant kneading of my flesh combining with a strange and fuzzy heat soon combining to leave me struggling to make out just what was happening beneath my view.

Thankfully the small change is over almost as soon as it started, the field around mt seemingly collapsing away after less than a minute inside the machine. I lurch out in a panicked rush, my heart racing and my breath short as I tumble into the dark room beyond the dimly lit machine. With each deep pant I feel my chest shift, a subtle jiggle flowing each of my sharp movements along with an accompanied sensitivity as my nipples rub against my coarse cheap t-shirt.

"What the hell was..." I mutter, freezing up as I notice something. "Where's my chest..." I begin to blurt out, realizing that my skin seemed to be brushing against my clothes without the usual thick layer of body hair. Reaching up my heart skips a beat, my fingers sinking into a small budding set of breasts as a shiver runs up my spine as the forceful groping.

"The fuck is..." I wheeze, grabbing my shirt's neck and tugging it out as I stare down at the unfamiliar assets now adorning my body. They're only small, a tiny pair of fatty mounds sitting atop my chest. Pale and hairless, my mouth falls open in shock as I find myself gawking at the diminished muscles behind them and the perky pink nipples standing at attention. Disturbingly, the hair around the rest of my body appears unchanged, a thick train of hairs sprouting beneath the perfectly smooth mounds as my belly remains seemingly unchanged.

"Shit shit shit..." I wheeze, staggering back to the computer as I quickly open up the folder in search of my old chest.




For a moment I feel a wave of relief as I spot the updated file, sigh of relief slowly escaping my lips as I move to tap the file once more. However, as my finger hovers over the file I watch in horror as the screen refreshes once more.




Swallowing hard, I glance between my chest and the screen as my heart pounds in my chest. My eyes glance over the screen again and again in search for the missing file, my blood running cold as I find the thought of being stuck with bust, albeit a small one, becoming closer and closer to reality.

"Shit..." I wheeze, tapping through the other folders as I search for the file to little success. From varying levels of libidos and varied sexuality, to different hair colors and fetishes there are a plethora of options with more and more coming in on each refresh. However, try as I might I can't find the chest I had accidentally lost.

"Shit shit shit..." I wheeze, staggering back in a daze as I begin stagger by way through the wet and darkened storefront and towards the ladder back up to the apartment above.

By the time I'm back in the apartment I'm drenched in sweat, my heart pounding to such a degree that I can feel it inside my head along with an accompanied subtle jiggle on my chest. Pacing out in a daze I stumble into the living room, collapsing on my sofa as I sit in silence for a moment alone with my thoughts.

The sound of seagulls creeps in as I mull over my situation, the subtle scent of salty sea air creeping in through a gap in the nearby window pane. I hold my head in my hands, leaning forward as the nearly imperceptible weight of my new breasts stab at the forefront of my mind.

"I can't believe I..." I mutter, looking down at my chest and letting out a long sigh. It wasn't all that visible, the budding mounds mostly being lost beneath my shirt on my large frame. The lack of hair was more noticeable, the soft and supple pale flesh being in start contrast to my hair arms poking out from the sleeves of my shirt.

I slowly turn, kicking my feet up onto the sofa as I lean back, the subtle bulge on my chest becoming almost entirely lost as my newfound breasts flatten out. Looking at the sickly green curtains I part them slightly, gazing out through the window at the sight beyond the apartment. The sight of boats on the ocean soon come into view, the clear blue water soon meeting the horizon as white shapes bob and shift about the waves. The beach sadly remains out of view, the rock cliffs leading down the sandy strands being largely blocked form view at my high vantage point.

The occasional sound of a car passing helps to remind me just where I had moved, this small apartment being a part of a main street down by the coast. Since the tourist downturn over the past few years the rents had become cheaper and cheaper in order to try and cover costs, with businesses shuttering without the trade holidaymakers had provided. It had been perfect, allowing for me to find a place to stay for an absolute pittance.

"Should have just sold those feet pics..." I chuckle dejectedly, glancing down at myself as I look between my new chest and my feet siting inside a rugged and heavily worn set of boots. "Not like anyone would pay for images of my..." As I look down at my feet however something stirs inside my mind, a subtle smirk forming as I wriggle my toes.

"Who says they need to be mine..."

Eager to shake the thoughts out of my head I quickly hop to my feet, my stride quickly carrying my to the front door and the flimsy stairs beyond. Clambering down the steps in the alley beside the store I race out onto the foot path, a wince spreading across my face as I spot boarded up storefront I had been inside only moments ago.

What other traits were in there? What could I borrow to...

"Come on..." I mutter to myself under my breath, taking a hard left and walking past the abandoned store as I begin to walk down the street in search of somewhere to sit and drink. The street itself slopes down the large hill my new home sat near the top of, old turn of the century buildings flanking either side of the road.

Almost as many stores are closed and empty are as open, with most of the closed store fronts being more high end restaurants or gift shops while those remaining seem more suited towards servicing the locals. Most of the closed storefronts appear to have the same sign in the windows, each asking for prospective renters to contact Michael Jamison in or to discuss a lease.

In those stores that remain open many seem to hold 'Apply Inside" signs, from cafes to small retail outlets each appear to be seeking new hires as tourism slowly picks back up. In the distance, at the base of the hill, I spot the large white plaster and brick town hall as the small green park beside it makes the whole section stand out.

Thankfully, I don't have to walk far to find an empty yet still open cafe. I barely even have the mental energy to head inside, my dazed form simply dropping into a seat as I stare out at the ocean in the distance.

"Can I get you something sir?" coos a sweet and delighted voice, my gaze snapping up to a young woman with dark skin as she bounces slightly beside my table. Her long black curly hair is tied back in a loose bun, the springy strands shifting along with her as she seems to be unable to cease her movements. She stands at around five foot nine, her frame slender and athletic beneath a button up white shirt and a pair of tight hip hugging black jeans. Her chest is relatively modest, the perky mounds tenting out the tight clingy tucked in top rather nicely, while her hips and behind give a subtle curve to her fit form.

"Uh... just a coffee thanks..." I mutter, watching as the young woman in her early twenties quickly jots down a note.

"No worries, we'll get that for you right now. Did you want a lunch menu?" she chirps, smiling down at me warmly.

"No I'm..." I muse, pausing before shaking my head. "No, just the coffee for now."

"Okey dokey" she chimes, flouncing her way back into the cafe as she races behind the counter and towards the small cappuccino machine. I watch as she works, her hips swaying from side to side as she dances joyfully to the music as she works alone inside the otherwise empty cafe.

I barely have a chance think before I find the steaming hot coffee being place at my table, the beaming young woman soon following it with a lunch menu.

"Can I get you anything else?" she chirps diligently, obviously happy to have a customer to break up the monotony of a slow business day. "Are you new in town? I don't think I've seen you around..."

"Uh... kinda..." I mutter, adjusting my shirt as I notice her gaze fall to the hairless neckline. "So who is Micheal Jami..." I begin to ask, pointing to one of the signs further down the street.

"Oh that's the Mayor" the young woman states, shrugging a little.

"And he runs a real estate agency as well?" I ask, blowing on my coffee as I go to take a sip.

"No..." the young woman muses, cocking an eyebrow as she looks away as though to think. "He's just like... his family kinda owns a lot of places around here, his great great great grandad founded the town or something so it's kind just always been like... you know? Bet one of his kids will take over once he's done, you know, I went to school with them! Not the same year but..."

"And what's with all the signs about jobs? Anything that..." I begin to ask, cutting her off before she cuts me off in turn.

"Oh yeah, had a lot of folks move since 2019 because of... well you get it" she explains with a wince and a weak smile. "But people are starting to come back! Whale watching is booked out this season, or so Carl told me, sorry if you were hear to see... Never mind, but yeah, basically everywhere is looking for someone whose the right fit." The young woman begin to count on her fingers as she continues her musings. "Madison's is looking for a waitress, Seaside was wanting a new retail assistant, even the school was looking for people to help out since they're been so understaffed and all over the..."

"Can I get a slice of cake?" I ask, pointing at the dessert section of the menu to cut the woman off. "Chocolate please."

The young woman perks up, quickly jotting down the order with a grin and a nod. "Sure, I'll get that for you now!"

Tapping at my plate with the spoon I muse over my predicament as I slowly take small bites from the rich chocolate cake. My gaze darts around the street, each sign and building leading my head to fill with all manner of thoughts and ideas.

"Okay..." I mumble, taking a sip of my coffee. "I've lost my... my damn chest..." I huff, exhaling over my coffee as I try to cool it further. "I'm stuck with these... or..." I begin to state in a matter of fact manner, as though to confirm it to myself. Slowly a smirk begins to spread across my lips, my mind racing as I lock eyes to the 'For Lease' sign. "Maybe something more... enticing..."

"So there's the Mayor... and his three kids..." I mutter, slowly counting up each of the buildings with the same little sign in the window. Over a dozen must be in the main street alone, stretching up to the top of the hill down to the town hall and beyond. "Must be loaded..." I muse, the gears in my head turning more and more as an idea forms.

Glancing down I push out my chest, spotting the budding breasts resting beneath my t-shirt. For a moment I shrink back ,shaking my head as I chuckle to myself.

"No, no that's so stupid" I laugh, taking another bite from the cake. "I mean, I always joked about Marrying Rich but I mean... I wouldn't actually consider... " I continue, slowly pausing as I tap at my plate with the spoon. "I mean... shit am I considering..." I huff, fiddling with my shirt as I take a long drawn out sip from my drink.

Would it be all that bad? Given enough time I could surely build a body that would make it a sure thing, and once I was in I would be set for life. No need to work, no need to worry about paying for anything let alone shelter, just needing to keep the 'better-half' happy and hopefully wrapped around my little finger.

Shifting my gaze over I spot one of the many 'Help Wanted' and 'Apply Inside' signs sitting in a store window, my mind turning away from gold digging and shifting to actually working for a living. Sighing to myself I slowly shift down the various store fronts and cafes, wincing slightly as I find myself envisaging the image of my lumbering form trying to earn tips or sell swimwear.

"Maybe..." I begin to muse, thinking for a moment as I glance at the bubbly young waitress dance move about behind the counter. Her bubbly personality and tight eye-catching outfit definitely would bring in the tips, at least on a more busy day. "Maybe I could design something to have a bit more... earning potential" I mutter, biting my lip as I look down the hill at the town hall and the faint hint of the school in the far distance.

"I could make something a little more... I don't know... Suited for Getting a Job, like designed for the job." Having been unemployed for so long, especially to the point of needing to move out to the middle of nowhere, the idea of making myself fit and suit a position to the point I'd never have an issue getting the position let alone worrying about being fired was all too enticing.

With my gaze locked to the school, the red tiled roof of the distant brown brick building barely being visible over the trees in the distance, my mind turns to yet another idea. Why work? Why try to settle down? Why do any of those adult things.

"I mean... if I'm considering re... building myself for a job, why not just make a total fresh start?" I sigh to myself in a dreamy state, my mind turning to thoughts of days without responsibilities and weekends filled with relaxing without the dread of another day in the office on the horizon.

The cogs begin to turn. Maybe not forged paperwork by any means, but an email here and there, a student showing up one day and with the school being so understaffed... it's possible they might just wave a newcomer in without much thought, especially in a place like this.

Another chuckle slips from my lips as I shake my head. "I can't seriously be considering Starting Over Back At School... Right? I mean, obviously I couldn't go back to college after... at least not without some clever paperwork and... but I suppose I could survive on my savings for quite a while at this place..."

"All done?" asks the young waitress, her bright and bubbly voice snapping me from my muttering haze.

"Oh... uh... yeah, thank you" I blurt out in surprise, watching as the young woman quickly sets about gathering up the small serving plate and my empty cup. As she works I begin to muse once more, my mind turning to the idea of a fresh start and twisting it to darker ends.

"Faking a new life may be dangerous..." I think to myself, fishing out my wallet as I begin to count out some bills to place on the counter. "One missing person and an entirely new one my cause problems... but one missing person passing through..."

Slowly I think about the machine, the image of the input and output folders forming in my mind. What would happen if the input folder were to be filled? Traits from some unsuspecting person filling the thing in a matter of moments. Could someone else just... take them?

I bite at my lip as the thought crosses my mind, the brief consideration for simply Stealing Another Person's Life entirely being enough to concern me. However, the idea can't help but linger as I look at the jolly young waitress. "I wonder what her life is like?"

Slapping the bills on the table I lurch up in my seat, the troubling cavalcade of thoughts leaving my reeling almost as much as the lack of hair on my silky smooth chest. Flashing the waitress I smile I give a small nod, sliding my chair out and placing it back in.

"Thank you" I say softly, shifting back to leave. The young woman nods in kind, quickly counting up the bills in her head as a brief flash of a frown appears across her face.

"Thanks, have a good day" she coos back, a slight hint of some feigned customer service voice slipping into her tone.

The walk back to the apartment is a brief one, though the incline does not make it any easier. Glancing out at the waves and the boats on the horizon I try to wrestle with my thoughts, to come to some conclusion or understanding on what to do.

"Maybe I should sleep on it..." I mutter, fidgeting with my hands as the options buzz around in my skull like pestering little flies. "Or maybe... maybe I should just test things out for a bit, who knows what that thing could do if I mess around with..." I begin to mumble, trying to rationalize merely testing various aspects of the device."

However, my train of thought is cut short as I reach the apartment, my gaze turning to look through a gap in the boarded up window downstairs as my mind turned to the machine beyond. Swallowing hard I slowly begin to pace my way towards the stairs, my stomach twisting into knots as I climb and my mind slowly fixating on my answer.

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