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Blog Update: Old Stories and E-Publishing

Hey there Lovelies, It's been a while since I posted my last blog update, that one being about potentially thinking of...

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Skin Walker - Part Three

Christie look at my reflection in the mirror, pouting as they stare at my wriggling form in the wet towel. "The fuck am I meant to do with..." they sigh, firming up their grip as I feel my bones and organs shift beneath the gargantuan force. "Do I ... like... leave..." they mutter, pouting and furrowing their brow in concentration before finally muttering.

"Oh, I know juuuuuuust the bitch who deserves this" they practically purr, the joy in their voice coming out in more of a gravelly growl. My former lips quickly shift from a pout to a smirk, slowly but surely inching into a devilish grin.

Suddenly, I feel my world whip around violently as Christie spin on the spot and runs to the door. Everything whizzes past me, my old fingers clutching at my tiny furry form as the ditzy girl inside my former skin races into the living room. Her head whips around, looking for something before stopping as she darts to the coffee table and snatches up my keys.

"Holy shit..." Christie giggles, spinning the keys and nearly dropping them. "Free car" she laughs, grabbing the wallet from the table as well. She fishes around and fumbles to balance my tiny body and the items in her other hand, soon slipping the license from the wallet.

"Grossssss..." she whines, recoiling at my picture in the wallet. "Oh... fucking shit... I'm like so oooooooooold..." she whinges, throwing her head back. Her depressive grumbling is soon turns to another wicked grin as she bites her lip, dark thoughts swirling inside her unfamiliar head.

"Oh that bitch is going to..." she huffs, walking to the recycling by the front door and kicks one of the smaller boxes around. "Let's see her FUCK Kyle when she's a dumb cat, or like... like... a super old bitch or a... I dunno..." she hisses, my former voice filled with venom as she leans over to drop me in the box.

As I fall to the floor I find my legs beneath me on reflex, my brain buzzing as the cat's body seems to react on it's own. I shake on the unease legs, struggling to look up at my former body as the thief quickly closes up the box and traps me in darkness.

Despite the almost pitch black nature of the inside of the box I find my eyes rapidly adjusting to the faint sliver of light slipping in through the lid. As I drop prone in the box, laying down low to avoid being thrown about as the dim young woman racing around in my body.

The box rattles and shakes as she carries to down hallway and the stairs, a brief pause telling me she had reached the lobby before racing down into the garage. Her pace slows, walking carefully as she clicks a button in her free hand over and over. Suddenly, a beeping echoes out through the large concrete basement as her steps once again quicken in pace.

With the opening of the door I feel the box get thrown inside, the sudden shift causing me to squeal and howl as my tiny form is tossed around inside the box. The engine revving sends my whole body on edge, my hairs standing on end as a set of claws dig into the cardboard beneath me. The vibrations practically scream at me to run, the sensation causing me to scamper around the closed box and tumble against the walls.

In my frantic haze I lose track of time, the terror and panic gripping every inch of my body ripping me of my senses. My heart hammers in my chest as the box is once again lifted into the air, my body falling flat once more as I feel like my skin is once again going to burst from the forces at play both inside and out.

Christie's footfalls start and stop, racing before ceasing for some reason. I quickly feel a sudden thump, the bottom of the box impacting something hard as it's left on the floor before being pushed up against something else before a set of footfalls soon race away.

For the first time I'm left alone in my tiny form, my crushed and crumpled heart racing a mile a minute. Oddly enough the panic doesn't subside, it only grows worse by the minute as I feel the straining inside my seem to ease ever so slightly. I begin to try and beg for help as a series of meowing slips free instead, my mewling becoming cuter and more accurate with each attempt despite trying to speak normally.

I can feel my organs shift, the squished and squashed matter pulsing as I feel them grind and run over one another as they slowly try their best to move into a the right position for my tiny form. It hits me like a truck, my blood turning ice cold as the thought flashes through my mind.

"I'm turning into this... this cat on the inside!" I scream inside my mind, my bright blue eyes going wide as I begin to scratch at the walls of the box with my tiny claws. "It's only a matter of time, I need to get OUT NOW!"


"The fuck is..." comes a high-pitched voice from outside, the sound of clicking heels against the hard floor soon reaching my fuzzy pointed ears. "Like... whatssat thing doin..." the sultry slurring voice chirps brightly, the liquor only dulling the cheery tone a little.

Sudden, the box if filled with light as my eyes rapidly struggle to adjust. I find myself rolling back, laying on my back with my furry belly exposed as I stare up at the curvy giantess staring down at me with confused and hooded eyes.

Her long and silky black hair is tied tightly behind her head, the luscious locks then trailing down into a cascading shimmering tail that rests just above her massive bulbous yet oddly tight rear. Her skin is heavily tan, baked to a golden tone with a mixture of lotion and possibly some spray on substance. A large expressive set of deep brown eyes stare down at me, constantly struggling to focus as she sways in place.

Her face is gorgeous, a dainty chin and delicate jawline accompanied with soft cheeks and a pert little nose. Her long dark eyelashes flutter with each blink, sparkly glitter hanging suspended in the luscious hairs. Her lips part in a vacant expression, the large and plump pillows bowing out and revealing more of her whitened teeth.

Her slender tan arms and narrow shoulders are on full display, her slender torso wrapped in a black latex tube top. The shiny sweat-filled garment strains and squishes a prodigious shelf of jiggling flesh, the head sized mounds  spilling from the top of the latex band as it struggles to hold the fatty boulders up. 

Her narrow waist flares out into a wide set of hips, the terms 'child bearing' and 'perfect hand holds' come to mind. A pair of black booty short ride up her plush soft thighs, revealing a slight thigh gap and a generous amount of camel toe and the massive rear enjoying the lavish spacing of her hips appears to consume the limited material.

Her legs are covered in a pair of leather thigh high boots, a large heel causing her to sway and stumble as the liquor hammers her sense of balance.

"Naaaaaaaaaw..." she coos, tears filling her eyes as she sees me. "You are like... jush the cutest widdle..." she sobs, reaching down into the box to either pat me or pick me up.

Her hand is adorned with expensive and well-maintained French nails, the alternating sets of baby blue and bright pink tipped in white soon  consuming my vision. As I feel my stomach and lungs grind inside the tiny fleshy prison I now resided in I lash out, wrapping my arms around the dark haired girls hand as tightly as I can before biting down as hard as I can.

Her drunken state seems to dull the pain of my teeth, her response to my bite seemingly being far to delayed. Suddenly, her eyes go wide as she feels my teeth beneath her skin.

"Ow ow ouchie..." she whines, her high-pitched voice sounding like nails on a chalk-board to my sensitive ears. "Is alrigh..." she slurs, her fingers scratching at my belly for a moment. "I'm not gonna..." she continues, my ability to listen sudden being ripping from me as I feel something begin to ooze into my mouth.

Copper and meat, the taste of flesh presses against my coarse tongue as I feel her hand begin to deflate around the kitten vice-grip I have around her outstretched limb. A loud hiss escapes her plush lips, a mixture between a gasp and the sound of a deflating balloon. We both wince with pain at almost the same time, mine coming from the pressure building up inside my tiny form while hers accompanies a loud series of cracks and snaps rapidly racing up her arm.

"Watsh goin' oooon..." she squeals, her words fumbling from her deflating lips as her jaw begins to hang limp. With a crash she collapses to the floor, her legs giving out with a loud snap and gurgling noise. Her tight clothes seem to loosen, her curves bubbling away before my mouth is suddenly filled with the taste of raw fat.

Her eyes dart about in her empty skin in a panic before suddenly rolling back, the empty pile of skin and slutty clothes collapsing to the floor limp and lifeless. I suddenly feel something smack me in the skull, my vision flickering and shifting as something else begins to vie for control.

Strained and pained mewls slip from our shared lips, a second heart beat soon hammers inside my chest as the tight confines crush both our insides beyond comprehension. I lurch about, losing contact with the party girl's hand as she tumbles us backwards in an attempt to stand up. 

Steeling myself I lurch us forwards, sending out tiny form into empty hand dangling inside the box with a painful crash. It feels like we're going to burst, to pop like a fleshy bubble, my eyes darting wildly as I try to find the small bite mark in an attempt to free myself. Spotting the tiny bloody marks that reek of alcohol I quickly bring my mouth to it, my vision suddenly shifting as I feel the pressure inside my violently release.

I feel my whole body tumble and writhe, the bones and sinew clicking back together from their ground down and broken state. It only takes a few second before I feel even the expanded space try to bind me, the empty skin and the overly clingy clothes acting to restrain my expanding form.

With a pained gasp I through my head back, my jaw hanging open as I feel the taut flesh wrapped around it struggle to keep it in place. My eyebrows and scalp burn, the searing heat soon being followed by the feeling of silky soft strands of hair tickling at my shoulders.

My feet sting, aching with an intense pain as the small thigh-high leather boots work to crush the fine bones trying to organize themselves within. My ribs soon follow suit, the black latex tube top leaving me with barely any room to breathe.

Looking down I see an odd sight, my body shape appearing much closer to my former towering form with the short tan girl merely wrapped around it. Her form looks stretched out over the towering man inside, the taut flesh acting like a restrained as I feel myself unable to move.

Everything is oddly sized and misshaped, from the indentation around my chest where the top binds my shaking ribs as they try to expand back out to the sight of my cock bulging through my midsection from the inside.

Suddenly, I hiss with pain as I feel my jaw click. The bone and muscles soon lose their valiant fight, the dainty and feminine jawline of the suit quickly winning out and demanding its shape takes precedent . I feel my fingers twitch and quiver as well, their fleshy prison seemingly grinding them down and into the right shape as I finally feel myself able to move them on my own.

Panting heavily, partially blinded my the curtain of hair, I'm forced to wait as the suit destroys me from the outside in. Tears fill my eyes with each loud crunch, every snap of sinew, and every low gurgling of fat as my paralyzed form slowly takes shape.

As I lay there, locked inside the skin prison, I'm forced to watch as...


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