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Blog Update: Old Stories and E-Publishing

Hey there Lovelies, It's been a while since I posted my last blog update, that one being about potentially thinking of...

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Preferred Partners - Part One

Walking down to the garage at the bottom of my apartment building I fiddle with my keys, rolling the worn metal and aging plastic in my hand. I can feel the sweat clinging to my palms wipe away with each fidgeting motion, the dented and peeling plastic feeling grosser by the second as I trudge out of the stairwell and into the dimly lit concrete basement.

Clicking at the button on my keys over and over I eventually am met with the sound of a discordant beeping echoing out from deeper inside the complex, my shoulder sagging as I realize it would still be a bit of a walk before I'd be able to hit the road.

Weaving in and out of the cars parked in the basement, the positioning lacking any real rhyme or reason beyond simply seeking to delay me, I pull my phone from my pocket. Opening up my GPS I begin to type in my address before freezing as I get writing out the destination.

"Shit..." I huff, reaching into my pocket once again in search for my phone. "Where was it again?"

As I pull my phone out, quickly unlocking it, I'm forced to shield my eyes as I navigate the bright screen through to my emails. Scrolling through my various folders I quickly reach the one labelled 'Swap Clinic', my heart fluttering as I open it and the most recent message.

'Congratulation, You and Another have been selected for the Preferred Partners Program'


The Swap Clinic in it's years of operation had always found one constant trend when it came to the more 'complete' swaps that they offered. From the exit surveys and on-going contact with those randomly selected from the cohort of those getting 'life swaps' they found a concerning trend towards loneliness and regret as time went on.

While some bounced back quickly, soon finding new roots and connection within their new lives, many took far longer before they didn't feel alone and like a stranger within their new skin. Some even requested further swaps to try and worm their way back, either swapping back into their former body or simply trying to find a new one that was closer to home where they could reconnect with friends and family.

For years, the Swap Clinic struggled to find an adequate solution to the situation. While constantly claiming satisfaction guaranteed , and bearing the track record to prove it for the most part, this black-spot on their records simply could not stand. At the same time they couldn't simply not offer the life swapping service, the thought of losing that revenue being enough to shutdown that idea every time it was brought up.

Eventually, a solution was found. Despite their best efforts, the supply of 'life swaps' would need to be restricted, or at least slowed, to allow for a new system to manage the flow of clients. If the lack of community and companionship was the issue then the solution was easy, to swap people in pairs.

Before long, the Preferred Partner Program was brought into being. When signing up for a life swap, completing the required questionnaire and providing the information needed to help find the best possible life on the other side, the client could elect to become a 'Partner'. While the wait period could take a long while, from months to years to find the right swap, those who selected to be a 'Partner' would be shoved to the front of the queue.

The catch was simple, although tricky to navigate. The client would only be moved up to a more immediate swap so long as someone close to them signed up as well. This often split most clients into two camps, one trying to sell family and friends and acquaintances on the idea of trying out a new life while the others would simply stay quiet and let life take its course.

Once a second person was found the process would speed up miraculously, with most people receiving their first offer within the week as the varied wishes of both parties would drastically open up the pool of candidates. This of course created a new problem, what if the lives weren't a good fit.

The solution was that was remarkably simple, with the Swap Clinic instituting a '30 Day Body Back Guarantee'. If both the side of one of the swaps returned to the Swap Clinic at the end of the 30 day period then they would be swapped back, no questions asked, leaving their partner in their preferred form if they so choose.

However, if the other side of the swap never showed up nothing could be done. Still, for the purpose of their records those happy with the swap would nicely equally those unhappy at worse.

I had been a member of the staying quiet camp, the 'Future Subs' as the Swap Clinic fan forums called them. I had put in for a life swap months ago, only a few weeks into my now frustratingly long drought of unemployment. I had only selected for it to be Partnered in the hopes of speeding up the process, the thought of having someone I know join me on the journey never really crossing my mind.

Butterflies fill my stomach as I glance between my car in the distance and the phone in my hand, my thumb slowly scrolling through the email as I spot the words that made my heart skip a beat only a day ago.

'You and you Partner have been assessed, you're new partnership will be...'

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