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Blog Update: Old Stories and E-Publishing

Hey there Lovelies, It's been a while since I posted my last blog update, that one being about potentially thinking of...

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Changing Clothes - Part Five

With another yank I'm tugged forward, the goth girl quickly nudging the now oversized shoes towards me as I stumble into them. Clothes from the pile scatter across my floor as I'm pulled and yanked towards the door and the corridor beyond.

"Come on..." Gracie huffs, her hand release my arm before grabbing my own sweaty palm. "I am not starting my shift late again..."

As I'm dragged out the door I manage to grab A handful of the strange sealed clothing, my fingers finding purchase on various bulging packages. My fingers dig into several of the pink plastic bags, the fabric inside each yielding as I tighten my grip around them.

One after another tumble from my grasp, my stomach sinking as the sight of the packages bouncing off the hardwood floor before I quickly bring the remaining three packages to my heavily sagging chest as I clutch the packages as tightly as I can.

The sound of jingling keys ring in my ear as Gracie snatches my apartment keys from a small hook by the door, the goth pausing for a moment as she glances down at the shoes on the floor.

"Come on!" she snaps, kicking one of the sneakers as it bounces off my foot. "Do I have to do everything for you?"

Monday, 3 February 2025

Changing Clothes - Part Four

"Oh my..." I wheeze, my voice coming out in a sweet yet husky croak as I feel my chin wiggle slightly. With each wheezing breath I feel my chest rise and fall, the mammoth weights rubbing uncomfortably inside the woolen sweater with each clawing gasp. My belly and waist fare little better, the deep inhalations causing me to feel the pile of flab stretching the skin around my abdomen and hips.

Fidgeting with the sweater I soon find the hem hanging around my mid-thigh, the oversized sweater seemingly acting as a sort of cozy 'while-at-home' dress. Titling my head slightly, a cascade of light brown extremely blurry strands falling into my field of view, I spot the glasses on the sofa and worse yet the large and wide panties resting on the floor.

My head spins, my heart racing at an uncomfortable rate as I part my plump lips. My soft rounded cheeks burn hot with a sense of embarrassment as I lay splayed on the floor, the sensation only growing worse as I feel my thick thighs press against each other with the usual obstruction between my legs failing to make any sort of appearance.

Flailing slightly in the clothing pile I try to get a grip on this new body, my mind racing with dozens of trains of thought all at once as I try to work out what I should do. 

Suddenly, I am broken from my desperate and panicked thoughts as Gracie barges her way into the room with a frustrated scowl across her face.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Swap Clinic: Change of Scenery - Part Six

My stomach sinks as I find the GPS guiding me out beyond the suburbs, houses soon growing further and further apart as dense trees and the beach begin to flank the road. Mansions and holiday homes sit interspersed with tiny shacks, the last hold outs against the mounting gentrification of the island's fringes.

As even these houses grow even more spread out I'm soon told to take a harsh turn off the main road and onto a dirt path, the whole car lurching with the grinding of metal as I take the right-angle a little too fast for the failing vehicles liking.

The dirt road wraps around behind a curtain of palms, the line of trees blocking the wire fence and the small studio cabins behind it from sight. Standing on concrete blocks, the various cabins look like they were intended for short terms visitors, though despite this it seems that Ms Akana had lived here prior to our swap.

My lips quiver as I slowly pull up beside one of the newly built robin's egg blue shacks, my breath growing short as I stare at my new home in shock before bringing the car to a stop.

"This is..." I murmur, sighing to myself as the engine splutters and grinds to a stop. "... Tiny..."

Reaching up I run my light brown hands through my dark sweaty hair, pulling it back and behind my shoulders as I shift awkwardly in my seat. My apartment had been cozy as a generous description but this... this place looked downright cramped.

"She'd better live alone..." I grumble, forcing the rusted door open with my shoulder before flinging myself out of the cabin and onto the gravel coated ground beneath.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Swap Clinic: Change of Scenery - Part Five

For a second I feel like I'm seeing double, the rather plain and simple Swap Clinic around me flickering with the image of one that felt far more lavish. The unspooling of my brain finally runs it's course as I feel the last of myself slide out of my skull with a wet plop, the long single strand of thoughts and experiences soon landing rather haphazardly inside someplace else.

My eyes struggle to focus, the warm dribble running down my chin feeling as though it was different than mere moments ago. A soft voice calls out to me from the haze, my throbbing head making it hard to focus on just who it was coming from.

"How are you feeling Ms Akana?"

The soft and gentle tones reverberate inside my head, the name Akana causing a faint twinge of recognition somewhere deep inside the squishy mass I could feel myself pouring into. I barely manage to gurgle out a response before slumping forward, my body landing with a thud into a set of grasping hands.

My view of the world is shrouded by a curtain of long dark hair, the curtain of frizzy strands smelling of sea salt and lightly of artificial coconut. My dimmed vision snaps to my nose as I feel myself slow get dragged forward, the slight hazy sight of the light brown bridge leaving me going cross eyed in an attempt to get a better look.

As the door to the room opens, the young woman holding me up huffing with the effort of juggling my limp body as she shoves the door, I let out a pained groan. The sound of the hinges rings horridly in my ears and skull, a terrible throbbing and burning sensation filling my head as I feel more and more of myself shift and settle into place.

"My... head..." I whine, my drool filled mouth spluttering out the scant few words in a hoarse yet delicate voice. Demure and almost sickly sweet, the sound feels all too foreign to me as I linger on the sound for far too long.

"You have..." the soft-spoken woman huffs quietly, her words pausing between deep breaths. "... A far... less experienced... brain..." she explains, forcing another door open with her body as I'm met with the sound of soft piano music.

With a sudden surge I feel myself almost begin thrown onto a rather plush sofa, my whole body sinking into it as I collapse limply into the cushions.

"Please..." the soft voice pants, obviously a little out of breath. "Please just rest for a moment, we can dis... discharge you in an hour or so..."

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Swap Clinic: Change of Scenery - Part Four

I let out a huff, reaching over to my coffee before draining the cold milking beverage away as I heave myself back up into a seated position. With phone in hand I lurch up from my seat, walking back to the kitchen with my mug in order to make yet one more coffee as I mull over my answers.

"Gotta really think this over..." I sigh, my thumb flicking across the screen as I send the Swap Clinic app lunging between profiles. "This could be... for quite a long time..."

As the water boils one last time I look between the pictures, my lips pursing as I stare at Stephanie for a while before closing out of the profile. She was cute and seemed to have a fine enough life, but did I really want to be a young woman in my mid-twenties just getting by with a part-time job at some discount store in the country? Probably not.

"One down..." I mutter under my breath, spooning out some more instant coffee as I fumble with getting all of it into the mug.

If Stephanie was out, then I suppose that Astrid was out as well. While a year younger than the grungy girl with strawberry blonde hair the short bottom heavy brunette had the similar problem, approaching her mid-twenties and just only recently getting a job at some small town bakery. Was there a future there? Maybe, but with so many other options she simply fell short in my head.

My lips purse as I close out of Lucy's profile, the young busty nurse simply having too stressful a job for me to even consider taking over her for. I had wanted a change of pace and something a little more quiet and simple, the idea of being in-charge of the health and well being of vulnerable people simply being too much for me.

This simply left Kiara and Adrianna, two very different women who seemed eager to slip into my life while dumping me into theirs. Both were so very different, the towering willowy blonde looking after the old family farm and living off of her wealthy parent's estate or the fit and beautiful island girl working to serve those from the blonde's tax bracket. While the wealth difference was a bit staggering there were other consideration.

"I've never lived near the beach..." I mutter under my breath, my gaze lingering on the young woman with light brown skin as she stands in the pristine sand. "Only nineteen... plenty of time to test things out and organize another swap if I..." continue, my lips twisting into a bit of a smirk.

Friday, 15 November 2024

Blog Update: Old Stories and E-Publishing

Hey there Lovelies,

It's been a while since I posted my last blog update, that one being about potentially thinking of starting a Patreon or something along those lines. As you may have noticed, that never came to be, I didn't like the idea of asking for money on something that I did in bursts and with so many fan favorite stories incomplete.

However, with a bit of a discussion I decide decided to look into E-Publishing completed stories as a bit of a best of both worlds proposition. I would feel bad getting money from people hoping I'd complete a story that ended up just languishing without any new chapters, or worse yet if I were to take a break from posting entirely.

This way, presuming I manage to work out how it all works, I would be able to only get a 'donation' so long as the story was in a finished state and in return people would receive a full copy of the story without having to navigate between multiple pages to get between each part.

Nothing is set in stone of course, I'd need to work out how everything works and keep up the motivation to do so. However, in the mean time, I wanted to ask an important question.

'Which Stories Do You Want To See Completed?"

It's a bit of a lengthy one, there are over 130 different stories, but I'd be grateful if you could let me know in the poll below which stories of mine you would like to see more chapters of with the hopes of having it tied off with an actual factual ending.

Also feel free to leave any thoughts or comments on this idea either below or, if you'd like to keep them private, in the poll.

Hope you enjoy, 


Swap Clinic: Change of Scenery - Part Three

I lean back in my seat, sipping between the two profiles as I look at their display pictures inquisitively. One sweet looking and cute with a simply unreal amount of hair and what seemed to be a troublesomely wide set of hips, the other a little more slender and manageable build though with more of a grungy or somewhat trashy looking background.

"They're not... too different in age at least..." muse, thankfully not having to make a choice as to which younger or older was really all that better in a new body and life. "And at least one of them lives out of home... can't say much about the other aside from... she's a baker? Maybe?" I mutter, returning to the image of the short and bottom heavy freckled brunette as she stands with who I could only assume was her new boss.

"Still... is that better that shelf staking?" I continue, sipping more of my coffee as I think about just what working at a bakery entails. The early mornings, waking up before dawn to start ovens and fill mixers with ingredients for mixing. "... I mean I guess overnight stocking isn't much better... Bi is an interesting selling point though" I chuckle, the mystery of just what Ms Gouelle was leaving me a little concerned.

Sipping down the last of my coffee with a heavy gulp I look back at the two messages, my lips pursing as I decide to wait a little longer as I wait for some more messages before reaching out.

Hopping up and out of my seat I give a little stretch, the early morning sun streaming in through the kitchen window invitingly. Snatching up the empty mug I shuffle lazily back towards the kitchen, the images of the two young women who had reached out to me swirling in my minds eyes as I begin to make myself another coffee and a bit of breakfast. 

Eggs sizzle in the pan and butter melts against toasted bread, the simple and humble breakfast being basically all I could afford at the moment. With a plume of steam I pull the lid of the fry pan, the golden yolks of the egg having cooked to a gelatinous goo while the bottom fried to a nice crisp. Tossing the eggs onto the toast I quickly finish making my second coffee of the morning before carefully carrying my haul back to the coffee table.

This time I place the items down before dropping into the seat, my body hunching over as I sit as to reach the food as I quickly begin to eat.

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